my garden make over
By amandahollis
First of all my garden began its life with me with shoulder height stinging nettles, 5 partially dead trees and loads of weeds. All 17’ by 45’ of it
When i go out of my back door there is a concrete section that you step down into that is 17′ × 8′, then you go up a step onto the garden area.
2 years later the nettles have almost gone, and plants in the flower beds along both sides need to be moved and rearranged.
Well it seemed such a good idea to dig up the old cracked council issue! garden path that went up one side, around the top and down the other side………..Did I say it seemed a good idea???
Another great idea of mine (and I’m full of ideas) was to dig out the soil at the top of the garden to put a 17’x 9’ concrete base for a shed and large table.
Threw all the soil in the middle
Dug out the path, smashed it up and put it in the hole where the soil was.
Long weekend as its easter – plan was dig out all the plants, level soil, reposition and replant all 150+ plants and bulbs, sit back and enjoy!!!
Another great idea!!! put the mountain of soil in the space where the path was…..
Almost 2 days later the soil still isnt level and I’m feeling like pulling my hair out
Right now i feel as though I dont havve many great ideas.
9 Apr, 2012
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Its lucky I have a sort of vision of how its going to look. Thats what keeping me positive at the moment. the rain and mud certainly isnt doing anything to make me smile today.
However I've been looking at photos of wisteria buds and i think I may have one or two on my plant. i only bought it yesterday....oooooh that would mak me smile from ear to ear
9 Apr, 2012
great that you have a vision ~ im sure it will work in the end, you have worked hard and i bet it will be lovely, just all takes time.
are you able to put any photos on please?
Welcome to GoY!!
9 Apr, 2012
No-one said it would be easy!! lol When it's all done and settled, you'll see it was worth doing.
We dug out a 'small' section of our front garden in October as it was full of meadow hue (we were told it was gypsofilia). We thought it would take about two hours - it took two days!!! But now, looking at my new 'trench' full of lovely tulips, roses, hebes, heuchera, dianthus etc. etc., it was two days very well spent as I've a lovely view now from my sittingroom bay window!
A big welcome to GoY by the way
9 Apr, 2012
Wish I had taken photos from before and at different stages of work being done. I will take some photos before doing any more and upload them to here.
Thanks for all the advice, its great to be talking to other plant/gardening lovers......Hope you have all had a great Easter weekend despite the weather..:)
9 Apr, 2012
been nice weekend thanks amanda, but really wet today.
be lovely to see the photos if you can
9 Apr, 2012
Rome wasn't built in a day :o) .... You'll get there, and then you can be proud of all your hard work and good ideas :o)
10 Apr, 2012
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2 Nov, 2009
Dont give up ,sit and have a good long think, it will all come right in the end :->
9 Apr, 2012