Hypertufa Trough
By bigbumblebee
After reading Simplylyn’s blog, in which she mentioned a stone sink, I thought there may be GoY members, especially those of you with a strong D.I.Y bent, who might find the following interesting, or even useful! It’s a recipe for a hypertufa trough.
You will need:-
Parts by volume.
2 x sifted peat or coir
1 x coarse sand or grit (quarter to dust)
1 x cement
Sufficient water to mix to the consistency of thick porridge.
For the mould, you will need:-
Two strong cardboard boxes, the same shape but with one approx 2.5 ins bigger all round.
4-6 short wooden dowels
Rigid wire mesh (not chicken wire).
Wire cutters/snips
To make:-
Place the larger box on a flat surface, remembering it will be occupying that space for about a fortnight.
Pour in hypertufa to a depth of approx. 2 ins.
Cut a piece of mesh to fit the bottom of the box. Snip holes in the mesh, about 3-4 ins. in from the edge. Lay the mesh on top of the h/tufa and push the dowels through the holes. When removed, these will make drainage holes.
Spread another layer of h/tufa over the mesh, level with the dowels and roughly pat down, brushing away any mix that might impede later removal of the dowels.
Place the smaller box inside the larger one. Cut 4 more pieces of mesh to fit sides, making them 1-2 ins smaller each way. Any sharp edges need to be covered at the top. Set the mesh into the centre of the gaps between the boxes.
Fill around with h/tufa, equal amounts on each side of the mesh, tamping down well as you go to remove any air pockets.
When the mould is filled, support it inside and out with bricks, as the h/tufa makes the cardboard damp. LEAVE OVERNIGHT.
Next day, remove bricks and peel away cardboard from sides. DO NOT try to move the trough. It will need a least a week to harden sufficiently for you to remove the cardboard from the base.
Before the h/tufa sets completely, use an old chisel to round off the corners, and scrape away telltale lines left by the cardboard box. Brush off the dust with a soft brush, then wire-brush the trough all over. This gives the appearance of weathered stone.
Leave the trough to harden for another week, then, using a spare dowel, knock out the dowels for the drainage holes.
Weathering can be accelerated by brushing (thinly!) with natural yoghurt.
Have fun!
22 Jun, 2009
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Very helpful and informative blog. Every time I see photos of planted stone sinks here in GOY I always think that I would like to have one in my garden. I love the look. Now the challenge will be to find one. I don't see them around to much here in the USA but I'm sure that they are to be found.
22 Jun, 2009
Hey Bbb I have a carport that I need building how about giving me a hand? :o))) Only kidding, I love the blog though and what a very handy person you are, it's a brilliant idea as old thrownaway porcelain sinks are very hard to come by these days as they are very upmarket costly items, the trend has swung back to these type of sinks and the old fire surrounds too, crazy prices make for your idea to be very feasable.
22 Jun, 2009
Thanks Bob,
If you were a bit nearer, I'd be round like a shot, (not the Shott that shot Nott) to help with your carport.
I thought It was something I'd said or did you miss the last blog?
22 Jun, 2009
I'll have to write this down and keep it safe. I'd like to try when I have time. Thank you.
22 Jun, 2009
Sorry Bbb I don't get a look-in on my 'puter at weekend when my Grandson stops over :o))) I did miss your last blog but I am going to bed at the moment as I have to be up early in the morning but I shall get to read it tomorrow, I absolutely loved the shott, nott, not shot one so I am sure I will love the Faffing one (hehehe I ca'nt wait to read it now) B.F.N. and nite nite Bobg xx
22 Jun, 2009
Hallo all. This is the same thing that bampy made a blog about last year. That inspired me so much that as soon as the weather got better in spring (2011) I started to make things, upto now I have made a bird bath...same method as making a trough..a small cardboard box in a bigger one, that came out nice concidering that it was my first attempt, then I made some crazy paving...using an oblong box, filling it with about 4 inches of mixture, then before it got to hard..after about 5 hours I cut through the mixture with a screwdriver to make some odd shapes, I let that harden for about a week...that came out good as well, and today I have made a small milling stone, at the time of writing it has been setting for about 3 hours, this afternoon I will go down to the garden and push a broomstick in the middle of it....mock axel hole...I will then make some grooves in it to make it look like the real thing and then next week I will try and get it out of it´s cardboard mould..hihi. The mixture that is mentioned above is slightly different to the one that bampy uses and me of course...I copied this from bampy by the way...3 parts cement, 2 parts sand and one part peat. I have now got so many ideas what to make...for eg... make another mill stone and make a water feature out of it, then I want to make a base with a small pillar on it to put my sun dial on...and one thing I did try today with the left over mixture was making a ball out of tightly screwed up newspaper and covered that to make imitation stone, if that works then I will make some more next week. I must thank bampy for inspiring me and giving me so many ideas. BTW the bird bath and crazy paving you can see in the blogs that I have written.
22 May, 2011
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I have always planned to do this BBB...have not gotten to it yet..but it is always something in the back of my mind!
Thanks for the reminder...! and your recipe and directions...
22 Jun, 2009