barn owl
By birdboy1
dose anybody know if in the united kingdom if some one has to have a licens to have a barn owl. Like if some one wants to work with them because i would love 2 if any body knows.
- 10 Jan, 2011
thank you for your information i really appreciate it
10 Jan, 2011
and would i have yo go to a certain college to study them and how do u get a licences
10 Jan, 2011
Lots you need to know about keeping BO's such as Space, expensive to feed, they can live for 20 years in captivity so quite a commitment, also they breed easily so not easy to find a home for them if you change your mind. Look at the Barn Owl Trust site lots of info to help you.
13 Jan, 2011
thanks for the info
13 May, 2011
Did you get any further BB?
13 May, 2011
You do need a licence but there are other conciderations, check out this.
10 Jan, 2011