Japanese wisteria. No leaves...no blooms....still green
I have 2 Japanese wisteria plants that have never bloomed because they are 2 years old. However this is their 3rd year and they are not showing any leaves either. I have checked both plants and they are green still under the bark. What is going on?
3 Jun, 2009
I know how you feel I have a 6 year old Wisteria Black Dragon. 2 blooms this year my husband wants to dig it out but I won't let him.
4 Jun, 2009
Avis, that's interesting, not heard that, thanks!
5 Jun, 2009
Wisteria's can take several years to flower I'm sorry to tell you. You could try feeding with Nitrogen, as that'll encourage green leaves for you.
Are they in the soil or in pots? They really need to be in soil, so they can spread their roots and they also like a sunny position. Hth?
It'll be worth it when they do flower tho'.
4 Jun, 2009