my garden thanks to my wife and lidl stores
By charlie
my garden is only 10mtr by 30mtr. i have kiwi plants all a long the length ;i i have kiwi plnts which i grew from seed 4years ago from my plate hoping next year to have fruit at the bottom i have a 12 ft fig tree it is laden with fruit i grew from seed off my plate 7 years ago tothe right of the garden i have a fanned peach tree we had ten large lovely fruit yes grown from a stone from my plate 7 years ago is it my wife and lidl or this lovely sunshine coast in lowestoft.
1 Sep, 2009
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my sister buys seeds from lidl for her allotmemt and they are fantastic, were going to try them in future
18 Aug, 2010
How interesting to grow all those things from seeds on your plate.
My grandmother used to stick pips from grapes and apples, oranges etc into flower pots and she'd have all sorts of things growing.
2 Sep, 2009