Day off work = day in garden.
By delancey
I’m moving my Hypericum today, from its broken pot in the corner to a spot at one end of a small half-empty border. There are a few cottage type Aquilegia around that corner and I think they might fill the space next year if I keep the weeds down. I’m also hoping to rid the concrete patio of its grass and sweep the accumulated soil and stones away before rain turns the patio into mud.
I’ll probably also continue to pull weeds wherever I happen to be. Methodically working from one end of the garden to the other was never going to happen.
My mum has suggested taking my composter up and re-mixing the contents. I’m hesitant, especially as this is a hot day. Maybe another time when I won’t annoy the neighbours. Plenty of time to annoy them in years to come if I do ever get chickens! And then there is my dream of having a beehive.
16 Jun, 2011
Previous post: Weeding
Next post: Results of my day off..
I was thinking of the silage type smell that would come from my composter. I forgot to educate my husband (who does the mowing) to alternate grass clippings with other stuff so it smells a bit like a farm!
20 Jun, 2011
Recent posts by delancey
- Lettuce
19 Jun, 2011
- Results of my day off..
16 Jun, 2011
- Weeding
14 Jun, 2011
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I have a large garden and in the course of tending my plants I can start one end and work my way around all of it, it never gets boring but I do lose my handtools regularly, it does the compost good to turn it and I find it a therapeutic job, don`t see why it would annoy your neighbours....
19 Jun, 2011