use of solanum leaves
In my area there is 200 acre plantation of solanum so i want to know what is the use and where i can sell the leaves of solanum glasnevin.
17 Sep, 2011
Now you have changed it..its a potato plant? how is this medicinal?
19 Sep, 2011
If it is indeed poisonous, I could think of a few uses ;0
19 Sep, 2011
no reply was the back to us man!
19 Sep, 2011
Some more caffeine Pixi?? :)
19 Sep, 2011
Getting agitated! i need something!
19 Sep, 2011
Sounds like dhonde's your man, pixi :)
19 Sep, 2011
oh LOL!
19 Sep, 2011
Solanum crispum Glasnevin is a member of the nightshade family with poisonous berries. I cannot think of any use for the leaves which would also be toxic. Just enjoy looking at the flowers.
17 Sep, 2011