Keep your head down Hywel,
By dianebulley
I am damned if the wretched Rebecca isnt on our Blogs site sitting on her bed waiting for customers !
There seems to be a video for the perverts to lear at.
We just want gardening adverts !
Not this rubbish.
27 Dec, 2012
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Nor me but I suppose they fund the site.
I just told Hywel to report it to admin, its not the sort of ad that should be appearing.
At the minute I,ve got sheds and cars......and I haven't surfed for them either......
27 Dec, 2012
Install free Adblock
27 Dec, 2012
I have reported them. I've said I want to know why they can find out where we live.
I ignore most adverts. They help fund the site. But I find half naked sluts flaunting their legs at me, rather sickening :o(
27 Dec, 2012
I agree with Steragram,..install free Adblock..never mind about the funding,there might be plenty world wide who can watch them if they they will still get funding...
I don't agree to accept the unacceptable..
27 Dec, 2012
You have to have Google Chrome or Firefox to have Adblock. I haven't got those.
I think the people in charge of GoY should block these obscene ads. I don't mind the other ones. I just ignore them.
27 Dec, 2012
Good for you Hywel. The claim now is that 'Rebecca' lives 3 miles away from everybody !
I did do the Adblock, it wasnt permanent, just worked for a week.
The lot that contacted me called themselves 'The Google Team' . Suppose they think it will establish credibility. What will they think of next ?
Into the Trash Can with them all !
28 Dec, 2012
I just saw an X in the corner of one of the slut ads. I put the cursor on it and it said 'Mute this ad'
So I clicked on it. The slut disappeared, and it said they would show me more suitable ads in the future :o)
28 Dec, 2012
Lol,Hywel,just wondering where else the slut is selling her wares ! ..let's hope she is far away :o)) x
28 Dec, 2012
I haven't seen any sluts since I clicked on that thing. I now get ads for Vodaphone and cars and BT broadband ... things like that. I'm not interested in any of them, but at least I don't get any half naked sluts flaunting themselves at me :D
28 Dec, 2012
Thanks for that tip Hywel. Have clicked on the 'x'.
29 Dec, 2012
Gosh, well done Hywel, I,ll know to look for that in future, happy new year x
29 Dec, 2012
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dont particularly want any adverts to be honest.
27 Dec, 2012