I now have 2 reject raised beds planted up
By dianebulley
with Cabbages, and Spinach plants which have been having a good time in my greenhouse. Was able to transplant them from Growbags cutting out a large lump around the roots, so they didnt suffer root disturbance.
I begin to understand the wisdom of using raised beds, and have ordered 5 more, one for early and late Raspberry Canes, with Strawberry Plants in between.
Using compost and Growbags to fill them, conserves moisture and nutrients. Smaller yardage of hooped netting is needed to keep the Pigeons off. Smaller varieties of vegetables are available to use less space- ‘Hispi’ cabbage is one, and ‘Little Gem’ lettuce.
Raised beds are very expensive to buy from G.C.s. The price I got to was £50 with 2 Growbags @ £2 each.
Recycled floor boards are being used for mine.
If anyone wants to have a go the measurements are :
47″ × 47″x 5 and a half inch depth. Two kits give a height of 11" which is about right.
Make a jig to mark in the connecting slots which should
be half an inch wide , to 3" in from the end . Then cut them with a saw. The boards should slot together.
12 Jul, 2013
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