Never, ever, give Organically grown vegetables away.
By dianebulley
I have paid £3 for an Organic Cauliflower. Potatoes are
£4 a kilo. My potato crop for one year was worth £378.
I didnt give one away. ‘Turbo’ Onion sets will keep until
the over winter sets bulb up in May, providing a continuation.
Some Brussel Sprout varieties are in the ground 9 months. Its work you are not paid for. We should be respected for growing vegetables, not treated like off shoots from Sainsburys by silly friends and relatives who cannot do it themselves.
To keep a family in vegetables every day, all year round,
takes a considerable amount of skill. When I started allotment gardening I was told by a man that a 10 pole plot should keep a family of 5 all year round – if you get it right. I live alone and only managed it, because I had a freezer.
I did it for 32 years.
To keep them preserved or frozen for the long winter months also takes a considerable amount of skill, and knowledge of the varieties, which we help each other with.
We should be respected for what we do.
Its our fault if we are not.
Sorry, but it just makes me cross, the silly things people say. End of rant.
25 Jul, 2013
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I do like to try to be generous when I can though. I don't grow veg but I give plants and flowers away if they are spare, even though I've spent money on buying and growing them on and my skills to care for them. I think of it as being neighbourly. I'm good at growing stuff, my neighbours are not but have other skills which they generously donate to me should I need or request it.
25 Jul, 2013
Years ago a young woman took an allotment on our field.
She worked hard, grew some crops. Then when she harvested them she went running round the field giving them away to everybody. The shock and disgust from was very evident. They thought she was a loonie.
When I first started, a woman said to me " Oh you are going down there digging, and then you will give what you grow away." I said "No way- where did you get that silly idea from ?"
25 Jul, 2013
I'm the same as Louisa, I keep thinking I'll make some money by selling plants, so I start propagating, as soon as they're grown, I give them away, never make any money, but I enjoy propagating, Derek.
25 Jul, 2013
If people want to give things away then let them.
I give loads of plants away.... dahlias and sweet peas, excess onions, beetroot, swede plants. It sounds to me it's not the woman who offers her produce who is the loonie but the rest of you.
Harvest time if I have spare cabbages I'll give those to elderly neighbours. Can't see the problem.
And how do you know if something is organically grown?
Big con most of the time and an excuse to bang the price up, as you end up throwing away more than you sell.
27 Jul, 2013
'Silly friends and relatives who cannot do it themselves' - Diane, not everyone I have given fruit and veg from our plot to has an allotment - indeed some have no garden either. It gives me pleasure to share out my harvest, if and when there is a glut of it!
27 Jul, 2013
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