The Forestry Commission
By dianebulley
are creating three new large woodlands to commemorate
the Great War. These will be in England, Scotland
and Ireland.
They will obviously be appealing for sponsorship/donations.
If anyone wants a tree to remember a relative who died
in that unnecessary carnage, do ensure that the person’s
name will be on a plaque on the tree.
I discovered my offer of sponsorship for a local fruit orchard just meant the name would be put in a book which the staff had difficulty in finding – in the office. I asked
for my money to be refunded.
In Ontario, people can sponsor full grown trees to help with the cost of caring for them. The name of the person
they wish to remember is put on a brass plaque, and this is fixed high up on the trunk of the tree they are paying for. Thats the way it should be done.
13 Mar, 2014
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Hi Diane, thanks for the warning, I lost my maternal grandfather in the first world war, I never knew him of course, I wasn't born for another 30 years, my mother only just knew him, and I had an uncle who was born ater he had died, Derek.
13 Mar, 2014
The Woodland Trust don't put plaques on the trees either Pam, unless they've recently changed, though I think you can have some sort of marker if you sponsor a bigger area than just one tree.
There's also the National Arboretum in Staffordshire, where there are different areas eg one for those killed in road accidents. But I don't know if the trees are marked there.
13 Mar, 2014
The gardens at wolseley bridges in Staffordshire have plaques on/near to various trees and benches as markers for loved ones. My OH and his colleagues arranged for a bench and marker to be placed by the lake there in memory of a colleague who died quite young. It's been a few years since they did that but I think the Wildlife trust still allow it. It's quite lovely to see how many people are remembered in such a way and in such lovely surroundings.
13 Mar, 2014
Thank you Samjp. I am so pleased to read your blog.
Its up to people to say to Woodland Trust "No plaque -
no money ". I get rather tired of scrubbing my family
memorials to keep them clean and tidy.
The fruit tree orchard I offered to donate to was planted
21 years ago. Obviously the cost was covered then.
They were using it to get some more funds for a new garden they wanted to develop. (Lyvden New Beild.)
14 Mar, 2014
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Have you looked at the Woodland Trust Diane?
13 Mar, 2014