A quote from Brian Keenan's biography which includes
By dianebulley
his neighbour’s thoughts about racing pigeons which explains a lot I didnt know.
" Most people have got the wrong attitude to birds " he
whispered " you see, these fellas really love the company of humans. I could sit here for hours and talk to them, like I was reading a fairy story and they’d sit there nice as you like and listen to every word. I’m nearly sure they can read your mind. Once they get to know you they’ll give you their undying affection. There’s a real big bond of trust between a man and his birds. If you love them, they’ll love you back ten times as much."
“Birds are the only creatures you can give complete freedom to and they will always, always return to you. With other animals you can never be 100% sure. But with a bird you can be absolutely sure. Thats how much they trust and love you.”
He quite often sent these Pigeons to Rennes, Pau, in France and other places. They were released and, navigating by the sun, they always returned to his loft in
12 Apr, 2015
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