I was pleased to see Sainsburys have a few Amaryllis bulbs in now.
By dianebulley
Paid £7 for one. It was as dry as a bone, it had been dug up with the blades of some mechanical contrivance. The roots had been trimmed with scissors, there is some black indeterminate gunge to plant it in, and worse than that, the very nice glazed pot supplied to plant it in has no drainage hole.
I did have an 8" pot ready for it, the grit Monty had recommended for good drainage, and J.I. No.1 to plant it in. It is still enjoying a good drink in a basin of water on my sink.
Would thousands of innocent shoppers, including generous children, be able to grow this dried up bulb
and treat it properly in future months ?
Growing a lovely plant like this should be pleasure, not watching it die.
It seems to be growers sales policy. My son bought me a Peace Lily last Christmas. It was in flower, the roots had been cut and rammed into a piece of Spagnum Peat Moss which was rammed into a pink glazed pot with no drainage hole. Although I kept it moist it died.
15 Nov, 2017
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COMPLAIN, Diane. I never used to until we had a new neighbour and over the years she has urged me to complain about bad products and bad service. Being polite and quiet just makes people think one is easy prey. Mind you, I am still polite when I complain and find this works!
Aldi and Lidl often have nice plants if one buys them when they are first put on display. Last year's Poinsettias from there lasted till August. I've seen Amaryllis bubs there also, much cheaper than £7
15 Nov, 2017
It seems to be that way now. The profits they gain are more important sadly. Unfortunately, people will continue to buy, so they will continue to sell poor products.
15 Nov, 2017
I was pleased to see Poinsettias on sale this year in October.
I complained to my M.P. last year about them being brought in unheated lorries on a 3 day journey in freezing weather from Spain for the Christmas trade.
I asked for Plant Zones in this country as per U.S.A.
He sent it on to H.M. Govt. seems somebody did something about it, and they put the seed in 6 weeks earlier this year.
I have planted the Amaryllis bulb now according to Monty's
advice. Plenty of grit in the bottom of the 8" pot and J.I.
No.1 round the bulb. Put the expensive glazed pot in the greenhouse to drop my keys and hearing aids in next summer when I go gardening.
15 Nov, 2017
I love Amaryllis. I must remember to get one this year :)
15 Nov, 2017
Well done taking action on the poinsettias, Diane, and great result :) I find MPs can be wonderful to get things done if you only let them know what needs doing :)
15 Nov, 2017
I have now sent a detailed complaint to my M.P. who will pass it on to the head of DEFRA.
I was a Cllr for 5 years, and know to get results its best to go to the top. If we dont tell them they dont know.
I have said with 500 amendments to the Brexit Plan
this could make one more.
No plants in pots without a drainage hole should be sold in this country.
I have said I am particularly sorry for children who buy these 'Amaryllis bulb grow kits' with their pocket money
for older relatives, then see the plant die later on.
16 Nov, 2017
Today has been rewarding. My M.P. sent me an email address to contact, but the lady is on maternity leave, so I had to do it all again to 'public_affairs@sainsburys co.uk
I then received a very sympathetic email from a Senior Adviser customer-services@sainsburys.co.uk
She knew nothing about it, or what to do, so its thanks to Monty for spreading the correct information on that one.
She told me this problem has been passed to their Trading Team. I replied I would like to know if the suppliers are going to drill a drainage hole in all their stocks of ceramic pots.
Think it will break the pots, we shall see.
Anyway, I feel better about it now, and know Hywel will have the right pot, the grit, and the right compost for his Amaryllis bulb.
16 Nov, 2017
Ours are in one of the spare bedrooms ready for the next blooming. Does anyone else have to give up bedroom space because "the greenhouse is full"? That's why I hate orchids!
17 Nov, 2017
You can drill into ceramics without breaking them if you put sellotape on the bit you want to drill, then drill through that :)
22 Nov, 2017
Thanks Pam and all. I went to the GC this a.m. and lo and behold they have Amaryllis bulbs in with drainage hole....
wait for it - price £12.99 !
So I saved £6 going to Sainsbury and preparing a pot.
Thanks Monty !
27 Nov, 2017
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Sadly, this seems to be the way of the world for many - profit more important than care.
One thing that people can do, if they know and care about it, is to try to avoid those bad consumer products, and opt for the goods from people who care what they are selling.
Although I have a "thing" myself about if I see a plant that is ultra cheap and requires "nursing" I will try to rescue it.
I hope you are successful with your amaryllis. At least it's come to a good home so it has the best chance.
15 Nov, 2017