Blue Tits
By didi
I have a pair of Blue Tits nesting in my garden; they start as a pair, however, from last Saturday when the first baby Blue tit appeared, I can see only the female feed a large family of 10 (original there was 11 eggs)
Because I have a camera inside the box connected to my telly, I can see the progress. My friends have the same setup and they tell me both birds are feeding their babies, though, last year had the same problem and in the end they all die ten of them. I think because is too much for one tiny little bird. Fancy the male abandoning the female in the our of need? Tipical MALE
Can anybody through any light on this?
I have sent a Pic showing the nest
10 May, 2010
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Typical male ? That's not a very good thing to say is it ! You can't generalise like that. I know of many useless females aswell !! Really useless ones.... It's 50/50. So please don't be so insulting !
I don't like all this gender bashing I read from many females on this site. It is rude and very hurtful :o(((
11 May, 2010
Fabulous picture. I do hope some chicks survive. Sometimes the males get killed - as in nature I suppose. We have had a very active Sparrowhawk around for the last two months and he's swooping and diving all the time. We have a very large variety of birds come into our garden and I just wonder what the Sparrowhawk kills. I don't know if it's tastes are varied or whether he sticks to some breeds. He is a lovely looking Sparrowhawk but I am a bit disturbed by him swooping and killing. I wonder if he's guilty of killing Mr Blue Tit? Our Tit's nest is very high up on the back if the garage and every year my Hubby used to rig up a 'Fireman's Blanket' in case they had too much of a fall! Sadly, Hubby died in October so this is the first time I am watching the Birds on my own.
11 May, 2010
I have a nest outside my Kichen window, sited in my conifer near the patio
steps on 1 side....every day i have seen a dunnock, eyeing this up....on Sunday, my Hubby said, do you know, we have babies in that conifer, i
took a look, inside,there were 4 little darlings, we left it alone after that...yesterday i saw a large cat eyeing up the conifer....this morning alas, part of the nest was on the patio...i would like to think, they have all flown the Nest...
I should imagine all birds have different ways of looking after their babies
i do not think you can blame the Males, some mum`s are left to fend for
themselves, if their partners are killed by predators, sometimes they are
better off if we leave it to Mother Nature....what will be, will be...nature is
so very cruel at times didi.....
11 May, 2010
Oh didi that is sad, It was the opposite in my nest, i didn't see dad at all until after the eggs were laid, now he's back and forth every couple of mins feeding mum and the they are not all bad dads. perhaps something has happened to him,i hope not.
11 May, 2010
maybe can you put food out for her,live mealworms in a pot,or next time thin out the eggs for a chance some will live
11 May, 2010