raised beds
By diggerdave72
last year i had a company put in raised beds in my back garden .They arein old money 20 inches high and the actual soil width 24inches i have planted various shrubs and perrenials allready. but would like something that may trail over the edges ,preferably a perrenial. Any tips would be very welcome ps sun hits left side in morning right side afternoon eve .so fair bit of shade in winter.
3 Apr, 2017
Trailing begonias - available in every color.
Bacopa Plant & Campanula - Blue Waterfall.
4 Apr, 2017
Geranium sanguinium, Golden marjoram, Fuchsia Lena, Aubretia, Campanula carpatica, Helianthemun (any of the "Ben" series which are evergreen and with tidy habit.
3 Apr, 2017