Really really feed up with my garden Can some one give me a shout when t...
By donnah
Is it just my garden ? I feel that I have been growing flowers all the year round and after looking after them planting them out they seem to look good for a couple of weeks and then due to the rain .storms and all the rest of it They have finished . I have just been in the garden pulling up Larkspare which has been battered by the weather. My broad beans . Loads of bedding plants. My beds of Marigolds are rotten with all the rain. My fruit bushes have finished given fruit already The only thing in my garden which is doing well is my lawnI think I will go out and by a few tons of gravel. Gravel my entire garden and just put a few pots out to look after and set fire to the greenhouse LOL Donna A feed up gardener
31 Jul, 2009
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I had this conversation with Grindle just this morning Donna :(
I feel like we've waited all this time for a few months of warmer, sunnier weather and now .... we're almost on the other side of it and i've not seen my beautiful flowers for nearly long enough :((
Signed ... another fed up gardener.
31 Jul, 2009
Ditto Donnah.. I was thinking of starting a new hobby and not bother with the gardens ever again, Some plants love the rain but the Petunias in the front hate it, the flowers are taking a battering and looking soggy :( The taller plants are falling over and im WHITE.. hehe..
31 Jul, 2009
Please don't do anything drastic Donnah, your garden is beautiful and I'm sure we'll get some nicer weather before the summer is out. We might have a nice autumn aswell and there are plenty of things that bloom right up to the and of the year. I know it's miserable at the moment but try and think ahead.
31 Jul, 2009
I know how you feel ..... my toms have blight due to the damp conditions - not nice when you have to pull up plants you've nurtured for months - rubbish summer, yet again :-(
31 Jul, 2009
Me too Donnah...all the colour on petals of things are washed out...some have gone slimy, I keep slipping up on the decking ( & looking round to see if anyone's watching),
and....the lawns looking great! Typical...the one thing my husband is entirely responsible for & it looks like the front lawn at Highgrove!
31 Jul, 2009
My garden is a wilderness too. Just cant get out there. Weeds everywhere, lots of flat plants. Yes, the lawn is very green now, lol. Keep looking behind you Fluff ..... you never know who's watching.
31 Jul, 2009
Aaaaaaaah....Is it Prince Charles? I make candles for Highgrove at work but he never comes round for a visit!!
31 Jul, 2009
Wow Fluff, your job sounds good. As regards Prince C, I dont think your missing much, lol
31 Jul, 2009
i know how you feel donnah, makes me want to cry, ive also worked so hard as we all have and cant even spend time out there and by the time i do get out its to pull plants or weed, not to enjoy sitting and admiring :o(
31 Jul, 2009
I totally agree San ... all the work and no benefit :-(((
31 Jul, 2009
think i will have a big dome over my garden like a greenhouse, that should do it lol expensive though
31 Jul, 2009
Yep, create the Eden Project San, lol x
31 Jul, 2009
Never mind keep smiling w've got the late summer and the beautiful autumn months to look forward to,The gold and red foliage and of course the bark of the Dogwood :-)
31 Jul, 2009
;o)) thats exactly it dawn,
31 Jul, 2009
I wont really gravel it I bet I grow just as meny plants next year as I did this year. And then have a good old moan about the weather againLOL
1 Aug, 2009
But - I think we should send rude messages to those Met Office people who promised us a hot summer this year - and I'm fed up, too - my roses rot before they open! All the plants flop over, too....I'm having to tie things to canes all the time. :-(
3 Aug, 2009
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I felt like that yesterday Donnah,was right fed up ,lo and behold I woke up to sunshine today,still cool admittedly but was out in the garden all day and feel happier now.........
31 Jul, 2009