Gardens and visiting cats
By dorjac
This is not the usual about soiling etc. A cat that is spookily like out KAT KAT, of more years ago than I care to recall, is hanging around our place. On the wall, on the seat in the garden, getting bolder, does not appear to be a bird hunter. Rather plump, so not short of food. I certainly DO NOT want to be owned by another cat. I think he lives in the sheltered housing next door, but he doesn’t know the door code so cannot enter and leave at leisure. I know cats sometimes plonk themselves on you whether you like it or not. If they think where they are does not suit them 100%. We had a full Tom once under a covered table ,pinching our cat’s food, until the aroma gave him away. The lady over the road eventually emigrated to Valencia with him and her menagerie. There are some really wise people on GOY. Any ideas?
9 Oct, 2009
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As Lincslass says if you don't want him you are going to have case him off, squirt with water etc. I wouldn't have the heart to myself.
9 Oct, 2009
Does he see your garden like a visit to the local park nice to visit but then back home for tea and a cuddle?
9 Oct, 2009
I wouldn't have the heart either MG. Cats seem to have 'favourite places of the moment' so maybe he will move on to somewhere else soon as long as you don't feed him. Why don't you just enjoy having a part time cat without paying him too much attention?
9 Oct, 2009
Our two girls plus a group of the neighbours cats seem to almost go around as a gang... you find them all sprawled out in one garden then another. OF course they still have the occasional spat with each other.
9 Oct, 2009
That's quite unusual for cats isn't it MG, they're usually solitary creatures unless they live together. Daisy treats all other cats with suspicion, disdain or downright hatred!
9 Oct, 2009
We, Mr MB and the neighbours are of the opinion they hold parties and sleepovers in each others houses... Before Jack the lad was killed he would regularly visit in the wee small hours - mostly our two took no notice, occasionally they would go for him. Given his size he could have squashed them both - and Pip is not lightweight as my lap can attest. It may be because we feed each others cats when the resident feeder is away. When I go round to Alison's to feed her girls our two follow me and sprawl around the garden waiting for me to go back home and feed them! Yes I feed the other girls first as our two like quality time once fed. Alison sits down with our two and says that her girls follow her over... Cats can't read either :-)
9 Oct, 2009
Maybe he's just passing by and having a rest along the way. If he's not doing any harm I would leave him alone. He will not want to live with you unless you encourage or feed him.
9 Oct, 2009
Next door has 5 cats they often come and sit with me while I garden my own cat just watches them, I think they get bored with their own bare patch and mine has lots of areas to play hide and seek etc. Their pecking order is facinating to watch.
9 Oct, 2009
Thank you all for replying so promptly to my concerns about visiting pussy cats. It has gone colder and the area he/she has chosen is covered by a canopy and there is soft seating too. The cat is always up and down the street. Even asleep in the middle of the road on one occasion! Couldn't squirt Spooky. I regularly see off a huge black moggy.He is a determined bird fancier and dined off something recently. Will bear in mind all your comments
9 Oct, 2009
I'm with Hywel Dorjac...cats only choose the best resting places!
9 Oct, 2009
Hi all you cat lovers. Spooky is back this morning. Doing casual bird watching and having a jolly good scratch. The birds were all on the seeds about 12 feet away. The robin on the ground, and Spooky not interested (10 out of 10.) Our lovely Henry was like that as he got older. I was seen. and guess what? The cat slowly got up and stretched, then he jumped off the seat and CAME TO THE BACK DOOR. I hastily walked away. There is no way I could ever replace Henry, as he was a real character. Usually as visitors came down the hall they were delighted to see Henry standing on the back of a chair to glad hand them. I will follow Lily2 's suggestion and enjoy Spooky's presence, as a part time cat, if he continues to hang around.
10 Oct, 2009
Glad to hear Spooky is being a well behaved visitor birdwise. Well done you Dorjac for ignoring him when he came to the door, I wouldn't have been able to do that but I agree it is the only way if you you don't want him to move in. Give him an inch etc.....feet in the door....then before you know it, curled up on the bed! Maybe when it gets colder he'll stay put in his own home a bit more. Good luck.....and let us know when......oops... IF you give in! LOL. Have you got a pic of him?
10 Oct, 2009
Yes Lily 2 He posed for a picture this morning and is on the end of my latest uploads. Judging by all the scratching going on he doesn't stand a chance! My husband would object too. As he is not well,l that would be most unfair. His owner next door could be ill or even in hospital. It is a large sheltered housing place and the ambulances and district nurses and carers are always in there. I have something that might help the scratching without having to touch him, or seem to make a fuss of him.
10 Oct, 2009
I'm sure Spooky will be very relieved if you can get his scratching sorted out, it must be very uncomfortable for him, poor thing. Let's also hope his domestic arrangements get sorted out soon, no fun being homeless in the winter. Hope hubby's feeling better soon too .
10 Oct, 2009
think i'd be to soft with him and let him stay with me, he must like you.
10 Oct, 2009
Hi Clarice(lovely name) I don't think he has a lot of choice. The house over the road is seldom used, nextdoor are out all day. Over the road ,as well, are 2 children and a dog. then another house seldom used, as occupant in a nursing home. Next to that there has been a funeral and the occupant staying with daughter for the time being, I have seen him being let in the sheltered housing by one of the carers going in, and she spoke to him,as if he belonged. Friends have a very bold twosome who think they own the place. They live nearbye. Our friends block the cat flap with with a cat litter bin at night. They are straight up on the beds. They both appear to be unneutered toms.
11 Oct, 2009
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He obviously feels safe and happy to visit your space so unless you shoo him away and make it plain he is not welcome he will continue to do so..........
9 Oct, 2009