Batten down the hatches
By edgeofreason
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Its foul out and my optimistic purchases of the last weeks are still in their bags but the pots and trays that I washed last week in preparation are now blown to the four winds of the damp patch euphamistically termed the garden.
So in anticipation I have researched how to start my begonia tubours off – looks similar to chitting potatoes to me , tray , potting compost , indented side up and lightly cover.Begonias were the triumph of the damp patch last year – super enoromous ,colourful, leaves with interest, lasted until mid October . I grew them in pots and have bought more this year – I did save the tubours from last year as well.
Also to occupy this grey day I have purchased online a vast array of lilies and some perenials – this weather is so dangerous when more gardenning and less spending is needed!!!!!
5 Feb, 2011
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27 Dec, 2009
Welcome to GoY.
Nice to know you have godd results with begonias. (unlike me lol)
5 Feb, 2011