October's Weather.
By feverfew
O suns & skies & clouds of June, & flowers of June together.
Ye cannot rival for one hour Octobers bright blue weather;
When loud the bumble-bee makes haste,
belated, thriftiness vagrant,
And Golden-Rod is dying fast, & lanes with grapes are fragrant;
When Gentians roll their fingers tight to save them for the morning,& chestnuts fall from satin burrs without a sound of warning.
When on the ground red apples lie in piles like jewels shining, & redder still on old stone walls are leaves of woodbine twining;
When all the lovely wayside things their white-winged seeds are sowing, & in the fields, still green & fair, late
aftermaths are growing;
When springs run low, & on the brooks, in idle golden freighting,bright leaves sink noiseless in the hush of woods for winter waiting.
When comrades seek sweet country haunts, by two & twos together, & count like misers, hour by hour,
October’s bright blue weather.
O suns & skies & flowers of June, count all your boasts together,
Love loveth best of all the year October’s bright blue weather.
Helen Hunt Jackson.
29 Oct, 2016
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That was lovely. I enjoyed reading it.
I like the autumn and this October has been particularly sunny and mild here (making up for a miserable summer). I hope the whole winter is like this :)
29 Oct, 2016
Thanks for posting this Feverfew. I do like October.
29 Oct, 2016
That's a nice poem - thank you, its good to read fresh ones!
29 Oct, 2016
Glad you liked. I haven't put a poem on for quite a time.
31 Oct, 2016
When I opened your link, I was disappointed not to see any pictures, but as I began to read the lively & colorful poem, I was right there in the middle of it all. Thank You.
31 Oct, 2016
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Lovely poem, very evocative. Reading this made me decide to take a day out from painting and decorating and go up on the moors for a ramble. Not much chance of that '...octobers bright blue weather' though today. Thanks for posting feverfew.
29 Oct, 2016