Help! Why do have allotments??
By follyfarmer
I have two weeks (started with four months but you know how it is) to put together a long essay for my horticulture finals.Title ;‘Allotments – necessity or the latest fashion accessory’. I want to find out the truth behind the waffle of why so many people are taking on allotments at the moment. Help please – if you could let me know how long had allotments, why took them on, what it is you get from working them, whether you’ll keep it up and what changes you’ve seen – are there really lots of young professionals out there busying away, are different things being grown or are people tiring of them quickly.
Undying gratitide from a stressed mature student.
24 May, 2008
Hi: Nor do I have a allotment space but know a lot of folks that do. Many are getting older, have sold their homes and downsizing but still love to do a bit of gardening. The fact that the allotments provide that little bit of space keeps them going, provides food and friendship. There is a programme here where the extra food that comes from the allotment goes to help the needy in our community.
Hope this helps too.
27 May, 2008
Hi Folly Farmer,
I don't have an allotment myself but friends of mine are on a waiting list and if I had more time I'd love one.
The reason my friends want one is to try and reduce their food miles, and because they enjoy growing their own vegetables.
A part of my garden is dedicated to growing veg (with a small flower patch in the middle for Spritzhenry) and my reasons for having it are similar to my friends.
It doesn't provide much as it's so small but what I do get from it tastes so much better than anything I buy. Something I didn't appreciate before I started is how satisfying I find it just to grow things for their own sake. Not just the harvesting, but the whole process.
Hope that helps and good luck.
25 May, 2008