my garden problem
By ford5000
thank you all for your help i have been gardening since i was 20 im now 74 and i have never had this problem before i have 6 rows of potatoes in 3 i moulded up 3 i left the 3 i moulded up half died off the others are good peas half died off so whats the problem its just about done my head in anyway thanks for the help regards ford 5000
22 Jul, 2013
Ford, I'm a bit confused. Do you mean you earthed up 3 rows of potatoes and left 3 rows untouched? When you say 'died off' do you mean dried up or perhaps blight? As for the peas...? no idea, unless with the very hot weather we've had they've lacked sufficient watering...thinking about it, is that what has effected the potatoes? Both need copious amounts of water to my knowledge. Sorry I can't be of more help. I'm sure other members of Goy will have more knowledge. Could you perhaps post some pictures and put your question to the 'Questions' section....Good luck.
22 Jul, 2013