The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Fuchsia hardy 'Versicolor'

Genus: Fuchsia.

Species: Fuchsia magellanica.

Planted 08 Vistabile Fence border
Bought 10.08 at Wyevale Garden Centre for £1.00 (in sale)

The foliage of this variegated fuchsia emerges coppery-pink and matures to cream and light, grey-green. With dark-magenta and mauve flowers from June to October it makes a striking container plant for a partly shady site. For the best results plant in loam-based potting compost and protect from cold, drying winds.

* Position: full sun or partial shade
* Soil: fertile, moist, well-drained soil (or loam-based potting compost)
* Rate of growth: average
* Flowering period: June to October
* Flower colour: dark magenta and mauve
* Hardiness: frost hardy (borderline)

* Garden care: To produce bushy, well-branched plants pinch out the growing tips of young plants after the sixth or seventh pair of leaves. During the growing season water regularly, applying a balanced liquid fertiliser each month. Cut back to the permanent framework in early spring
* Goes well with: Geranium 'Multibloom Pink', Geranium 'Multibloom Mixed', Nicotiana x sanderae 'Fragrant Cloud' , Trachelospermum jasminoides, Cerinthe major 'Purpurescens', Hemerocallis 'Gentle Shepherd'

Fuchsia magellanica - 'Versicolor' (Lady's Eardrops)
Type Shrub (Multi-stemmed Plant), Hedging & Screening, Deciduous, Ground cover, Flowering
Form Ground-Hugging Rounded Clump
Size Medium Border Plant (50-180cm height)
Colours Red Flowers (Summer), Variegated green-white Foliage
Care Some Maintenance Required - Tough Plant
Hardiness Frost Hardy, Drought Tolerant, Seaside Friendly
Growth Fast Growing Plant
Earmark this plant

Fuchsia magellanica cultivation notes: These hardy fuchsias will grow in most fertile yet well drained soils either in full sun or part shade. They are slightly tender so avoid wet soils or frosty areas. Mulch in winter and trim to shape, removing older weak growth as necessary.

Plant Strengths: Sun loving draught tolerant plant; All round tough plant suitable for problem areas; Suitable for container growing; Suitable for exposed coastal planting; Fruit / berry producing; Suitable for hedging or topiary.

Plant Weaknesses: Does not tolerate very dry or very wet soils.

Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due almost 12 years ago:


Mar: In early spring, cut back the previous year's flowering stems to two strong buds or near ground level to encourage stronger flowering growth.

Take cuttings

Mar – May/July: Take Semi-hardwood cuttings, Softwood cuttings