The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Greenthumb's Garden

Dahlia 'harlequin'

Genus: Dahlia.

Species: Dahlia Pinnata.

Bought as plug plants in a six pack, I took some internet advise and buried them to their necks, just the last five or six leaves above ground. They really took off, forming large bushes and gave me five colors, my favorite being the red with yellow semi-double blooms. The single blooming pink showed in two plants and formed the largest rhizomes when lifted after frost for winter. I have all stored at 50F in straw to wait for the spring when I'll start up potted indoors and move out into the garden once frost has passed. The beginning of a new adiction I fear. :-) They did not demand any feeding though I fertilized three times last season with a general 20-30-20.

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