The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Veg: Cauliflower 'All Year Round' [B+V]

Genus: Brassica.

Species: Brassica oleracea.

Seed sown 21.02.09
Bought ? at Wilkinsons for 50p a pkt of approx 400 seeds
Sown 01.11 Vistabile

This popular variety produces large, well protected curds in early autumn.

Tasty whether steamed or boiled and perfect for making piccalilli.

Cauliflowers are grown for their central white heads (curds) and can be grown all year round as long as the correct variety for the time of year is chosen. Cauliflowers take up quite a bit of space so don't grow them if your vegetable patch needs high yield per square foot.

Although a member of the cabbage family cauliflowers require more care and attention than cabbages to be grown successfully.

[Site: Full sun, fertile, firm soil that is moisture retentive.]
Dig the soil throroughly MONTHS (rather than weeks) before planting. This is because Cauliflowers grow well in a consolidated soil.
When digging the soil work some organic compost and / or manure into the soil.
If necessary, lime the soil (at earliest 6 weeks after digging in the organic matter) .

Summer cauliflowers: January to March.
Winter cauliflowers: April to July.]
Sow cauliflower seed around 1/2 cm deep in individual seedling pots / trays. After germination place the seedlings in a well lit spot at around 60 deg F.
[Sow in modules/cells 1cm deep and plant out when 7-10cm tall (after 'hardening off' for 3-4 days) usually 5-6 weeks after sowing. Germination is usually 7-10 days. Space plants 60cm apart for large heads or for mini crops space 30cm apart. Soil must be firm, so tread down soil well after planting.

(Seeds can also be sown outdoors in a well-prepared seed bed from March to May, and the seedlings transplanted to their final position 6 weeks later).

Care: Keep well-watered as shortage can lead to cauliflowers bolting. Keep an eye out for pest such as slugs/snails, pigeons or carrot root fly etc and diseases like clubroot, downy mildew and mosaic virus. Keep weed free.]

About 6 weeks after sowing the seedlings should be ready to harden off before planting out. Harden the seedlings off a week before planting out by gradually increasing the amount of time the plants are left outside and the amount of sun the plants receive.

Plant out your seedlings at around 60cm apart and if sowing in rows then space your rows 100cm apart.

Cauliflowers are a cool weather crop. Hot temperatures can reduce head development. In summer you can cover the head with the plants leaves.
Soil type

The soil should have been dug deep. Cauliflower grows well in loamy, well drained soils.

The soils PH should be neutral or slightly alkaline. Lime if necessary.

Apply a fertiliser just after planting out.

Put Cabbage Root Fly discs around the base of the plants to help prevent cabbage fly damage.

Successful cauliflower growing requires regular continuous growing conditions. Any stress to the plant will result in a reduction in head growth which is often known as 'Buttoning'

It is vital not to let the soil dry out as lack of water can lead to the production of small heads. Water regularly.

For summer varieties a mulch can be applied to help soil moisture retention.

[Harvest: Summer cauliflowers: June to October (20-26 weeks).
Winter cauliflowers: November to May (36-38 weeks).]
The size to harvest Cauliflowers at depends on the variety you have grown.
Start to harvest Cauliflowers before they reach their full size to ensure a staggered crop . This will help prevent a mass of crop within just a few days.
To harvest your home grown Cauliflower cut the stalk with a sharp knife but be sure to leave a number of leaves that surround the head to protect it.

If the florets of the Cauliflower head have started to open then you have passed the harvest date. The heads will also start to discolour once past the end of the correct harvesting period.

You can store cauliflowers for up to 3 weeks by hanging them upside down and mist-spraying with water every day.

Harvest the cauliflowers in the early morning when they are at their most succulent.

Once harvested break up the remaining stalk and roots and add to your compost heap as unlike some other brassicas such as Broccoli, Cauliflower will not grow new heads.

Some but not all Cauliflower cultivars are frost hardy.

Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due almost 16 years ago:


Remove cover when seedlings appear.
Germination takes about 7 - 14 days.

Prick out

When large enough to handle prick out singly into pots.

Harden off

Avoiding frosts stand outside for a few days.


Plant out in final position 18-24" between plants & rows.

Due about 13 years ago:


Remove cover when seedlings appear.
Germination takes about 7 - 14 days.

Sow indoors

2nd sowing

Due about 12 years ago:

Sow indoors

Sow in modules under glass. Seeds should be sown thinly, as this reduces the amount of future thinning necessary and potential risk from pests.

Sow indoors

See previous reminder.


Remove cover when seedlings appear. See previous reminders.

Sow under glass

See previous reminder.

Sow under glass

See previous reminder.

Due almost 12 years ago:

Sow under glass

See previous reminders

Sow under glass

5th sowing, see previous reminders

Sow outdoors

6th sowing, outside thinly fortnightly 4 – 6 weeks before transplanting (3 -4 plants per consumer)

Harden off

Avoiding frosts, stand outside for a few days.


Start to plant out successive sowings in final position 18-24" between plants & rows.