Xela's Garden
Veg: Tomato 'Golden Sunrise' [Cordon standard]
Genus: Lycopersicon.
Species: Lycopersicon esculentum.
Sown 21.02.09
Bought '07 at Wilkinsons for 99p pk of 6 varieties
* Crops in : 78 Days
* Ideal for : Children
Cordon (Indeterminate). Medium sized, early, smooth, well shaped, golden yellow tomatoes, with a sweet fruity flavour.
Sowing Instructions
Sow in late winter for heated greenhouse cultivation or early spring for the cold greenhouse. Sow 6mm (¼in) deep in a good compost. Germination usually takes 6-14 days at 24C (75F).
Growing Instructions
Transplant the seedlings when large enough to handle into 7.5cm (3in) pots and grow on in good light and cooler conditions. When 15-23cm (6-9in) tall plant out 45cm (18in) apart in a prepared greenhouse border soil, growbag, 23cm (9in) pots or ring culture. Remove side shoots as they appear and pinch out the growing point when 5-7 trusses have formed. To grow outdoors, gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions and plant out after all risk of frost, 45cm (18in) apart in a sunny spot on light, rich, well drained soil.
Feed regularly once the first truss has set. Stake side shoots regularly and pinch out the growing point after 4 trusses have set.
Nutritional Information
Tomatoes are packed with antioxidants and are rich in Vitamins A and C and lycopene, all helping to stimulate your body’s immune system.
[Source: www.thompson-morgan.com/seeds1/product/279/1.html ]
Photos of this plant
Reminders for this plant
Due over 15 years ago:
germination takes 7 - 14 days
Prick out
When two real leaves have formed prick out singly into 3" pot.Plant deep .... You can see small whitish nodules or hairs on a tomato shoot just above soil level. These ‘pimples’ will grow into roots if they contact the soil, enabling the plant to take on more nutrients and moisture Keep at about 15C
Plant out
Once the young plants are outgrowing their 3½" (OK - 8.89 cm ) pots with the roots coming through the base, it is time to plant on the tomatoes.