The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Veg: Lettuce 'Salad Bowl' mixed [Cut & come again]

Genus: Lactuca.

Species: Lactuca sativa.

Sown 21.02.09
Bought '06 at Wilkinsons for 59p pkt av. contents 1400 seeds.[Wilko Salad Bowl Mixed Lettuce]

Easy to grow oak leaf shaped leaves. Pick as individual leaves. Sow indoors in Feb, outdoors Mar-Aug, harvest Apr-Oct. Sow thinly in pots or prepared bed, cover lightly with firm soil.
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A "cut and come again" lettuce

A non-hearting variety producing lots of frilled 'picking' leaves over a long period. "Growing vegetables can be fun and very rewarding. Not only do you get that 'fresh from the garden taste', but also genuine health benefits, since freshly picked vegetables are the highest for vitamin content.

Long deeply cut leaves with a brownish-red head, becoming very popular in the supermarkets. 28 day baby leaf, 52 days to maturity
Large, fast growing rosette with long, light green, deep cut leaves. Heat tolerant and very slow to bolt. 28 day baby leaf, 49 days to maturity
An excellent variety for home gardens. Loose-leaf, flavorful, tender medium green, deeply notched, frilled leaves are tasty in salads.

Special Directions for Short Season Climates

SOWING: Start early indoors or seed directly outdoors from late March to August. Cover with 1/8 inch light soil.

THINNING: Once plants are established thin 12 inches apart.

TRANSPLANTING: Seedlings started indoors can be planted outside after danger of severe frost has passed.

SPACING: Leave 18 inches between rows. For bedding in small areas, space 12 inches apart in all directions.

GERMINATION: Approximately one week to 10 days. Start seed in cool 55 to 6O F. temperatures.

Ed's Special Advice

Keep soil moderately moist. Well fertilized soil produces quickly grown, crisp leaf lettuce. Sow seeds every 2 weeks during the cooler parts of the growing season, for continued harvesting. A long standing leaf lettuce.
[Source: ]

Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due almost 16 years ago:


Germination 7 - 14 days
Sow next batch [?] and enter calendar reminders [?]

Prick out

Thin to 2" for baby leaves.or 8" for mature plants


Pick individual baby leaves, a few from each plant.
They will regrow for up to 4 cuts.

Plant out

Plant out 8" apart, keep moist and weed free.

Sow indoors

Germination 7 - 14 days
Sow next batch [?] and enter calendar reminders [?]

Check for germination

Germination 7 - 14 days
Sow next batch [?] and enter calendar reminders [?]

Cut whole heads

If required cut whole heads from May to October.

Due almost 14 years ago:

Prick out

Thin to 2" for baby leaves.or 8" for mature plants

Due about 12 years ago:


Sow indoors in Feb

Due almost 12 years ago:


Sow outdoors Mar-Aug


... to 2" apart for baby leaves.or 8" for mature plants