The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Greenthumb's Garden

Echeveria 'Perle von Nurnberg'

Genus: Echeveria.

Species: echeveria.

Not positive on the name, this looks like it with a little pink tint on powdered white leaflets. A lovely rosette form, this succulent is in the crassulaceae family along with my other succulent. So I expect my half cactus mix, half peat to work well as a container medium. I bought it in a little pot so small I don't know how to water it without rotting the leaves, so I'll repot in something bigger and somewhat flat like a bulb pot and gravel the surface so the under leaves can stay high and dry. I'll place in a mostly sun position where the temp stays pretty steady, though the other succulents have never shown any sign of bloom there, I hope this one may. I love the long stems that shoot out of the rosette topped with little colorful blooms. I may bring them down with the dormant plant for a few months each winter to help them get the season they need.

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