The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Greenthumb's Garden

Tulip 'daydream'

Genus: Tulipa.

Species: Tulipa humilis.

Guessed the latin, this wonderful little tulip starts out a pale yellow but quickly deepens to a rich orange tint that gives such an uplifting feeling! At sun up the whole flower opens up until flat another joyful feeling. I am so glad to have chosen this for my first tulip. I potted up in a 8" pot and sprinkle pansy and poached eggs flower seeds across the top. I left a little room for spread but not much. I plan to pull them out each fall to sort out and store for forcing each spring. Once I have built up some stock I'll try some outdoors to see how they do. Too wonderful to have when the snow is still everywhere. Once they have finished flowering I'll fertilize and let the pansy and poached egg flowers take over while the tulips store up for next year. If this works out well, I'll do it each year. I am definately starting a tulip collection. I can't even name the feeling.

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