Xela's Garden
Species: Tamarisk Tetrandra.
Planted 04.09 Vistabile between shrubbery & fence
Bought 03.09 at ? for £?
Family: Tamaricaceae
Classification: Dicotyledonous
folliage tyle: Deciduous
Sun position:
Water: Dry soils
Max. height: 4 m / 13.1 ft
Max. width: 3 m / 9.8 ft
Tamarix is a genus of about 55 species of deciduous trees and shrubs with green scale-like leaves.
Grow in poor, sandy soils, in full sun. Being the most salt-tolerant plants, they are ideal for coastal planting. Plant in rows or use for coastal windbreaks.
Easily propagated by cuttings in winter.
No disease problems.
Tamarix tetrandra
Big shrub or tree that bears pink flowers in spring, before the leaves unfold.
[Source: www.gardensandplants.com/uk/plant.aspx?plant_id=3254]
Photos of this plant
Reminders for this plant
Due about 12 years ago:
Prune, feed & mulch
late winter to early spring. Remove diseased, damaged, congested or crossing shoots. Shoots that are growing in unwanted directions can also be pruned out.
After pruning, mulch and feed.
Due over 11 years ago:
Take cuttings
Propagate by semi-hardwood cuttings in summer (or hardwood cuttings in winter).
Take cuttings
Propagate by (semi-hardwood cuttings in summer or) hardwood cuttings in winter.