Xela's Garden
Edelweiss (S)
Genus: Leontopodium.
Species: Leontopodium alpinum.
Planted 04.09 Shenstone Samantha's bed
Bought 04.09 atMorrisons for 99p each
Edelweiss means "noble white" in German. This is the plant that supposedly has led to the death of stalwart youths who, when reaching from mountain crags for the blooms, missed their footing and fell into the abyss. The genus name means "lion's foot" and refers to the shape and woolly aspect of the flower.
Renowned in song, edelweiss is
a white perennial flower. .
Description of edelweiss: Tufted plants with gray and woolly leaves grow to about 12 inches in height. Small flower heads from late spring to early summer, are surrounded by starlike clusters of white, woolly bracts. Ease of care: Easy.
Growing edelweiss: Edelweiss want full sun, well-drained sandy or gritty soil, and will not survive wet soil in the winter. In areas without snow cover, protect the plants from rain and sleet with glass.
Propagating edelweiss: By seed sown in spring.
Uses for edelweiss: Edelweiss are perfect for the rock garden, as the woolly plants look best when used in conjunction with stone.
Photos of this plant
Reminders for this plant
Due over 15 years ago:
will not survive wet soil in the winter. In areas without snow cover, protect the plants from rain and sleet with glass.
Due over 14 years ago:
will not survive wet soil in the winter. In areas without snow cover, protect the plants from rain and sleet with glass.
Due over 13 years ago:
will not survive wet soil in the winter. In areas without snow cover, protect the plants from rain and sleet with glass.
Due over 11 years ago:
See previous notes