The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Kloba's Garden

Ribes King Edward VII

Genus: Ribes.

Species: Ribes sanguineum.

I needed something towards the foot of the garden that would give colour to an area that needs it. This part of the garden was under turf until I decided to grow more vegetables this year and dug it up, but the writing was on the wall for how it would look it winter, so I needed something that would produce spring flowers and winter berries: this plant has amazing crimson flowers which will turn into orange berries.

When I bought the plant, it wasn't looking particularly happy. Purchased from Millrace Nurseries in early March, it had spent the winter outside in a pot, so I suppose it isn't surprising that it was in need of some TLC. But it has taken well in a spot that gets a lot of sun in March/April before there are leaves on the silver birch that will obfuscate the summer morning sun. I planted without adding compost, although I had put manure on the bed after digging it up and was under the impression that because the soil had been under turf for a few years it would be rested and full of goodness. It was certainly full of worms! Judging from the plant's progress, compost wasn't required.

The flowers start tightly bunched as buds and then after opening, elongate without losing colour or vitality. My mother tells me I'll be able to eat the currants?! Fabulous.

Photos of this plant

  • Ribesflower
  • Ribes_sanguineum_king_edward_7
  • Ribes_close_up