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Xela's Garden

Rhubarb 'Timperley Early' [V]

Genus: Rheum.

Species: Rheum rhabarbarum.

Planted 02.10 Vistabile Vegetable patch
Transplanted from Mother's Freeland garden

Rhubarb Timperley Early

Long, bright, red-based sticks that average 60cm long with a delicious, sweet flavour. This is the most popular early variety in the UK that’s often ready for harvesting as early as February outdoors. It’s an excellent, succulent rhubarb that’s good for outdoor production and excellent for forcing in winter. The poisonous leaves must not be ingested but make a useful addition to the compost heap. A lovely, easy-to-grow and long-lived ornamental fruit that produces a medium to heavy crop.

Position: Full sun

Soil: Any reasonably well-drained soil

Rate of Growth: Average

Flowering Period: Flowering shoots should be removed

Flower Colour: Flowering shoots should be removed

Other Features: The rhubarb leaves are poisonous and must be completely removed from the stalks prior to cooking

Hardiness: Fully hardy

Garden Care: Incorporate lots of well-rotted organic matter into the planting hole and keep the base of the plant weed free. Apply a multi-purpose fertiliser to the ground before planting and dig in a good amount of well-rotted garden compost or manure every autumn. Remove any flowering shoots that appear and mulch again in early spring.
Eventual Height: 1m
Eventual Spread: 1m

stablishing the Rhubarb Bed

A new rhubarb bed is best raised from divisions planted out in November, although it can be set out as late as March. Old crowns should be split, using a spade, into wedge shaped pieces with two or three buds on the outer edge, the inner part can usually be pared away with a knife (although old crowns are often hollow). Many growers, especially older ones, say that you should always leave the crowns on the surface to expose them to a hard frost before splitting them.

Rhubarb is not fussy as to soil but should be planted in slightly raised beds if the soil is very heavy. It does, however, need an open site as it will not tolerate shade. Prepare the soil carefully by digging to two spits (spade depths), the roots go deep, and work in plenty of farm yard manure or compost as you go. In choosing a site remember that the leaves are heavy and reach at least 2 feet (60 cm) all round the crown. Set the divisions 21/2-3 ft (75-90 cm) apart with the buds at or just below the surface.

All the books tell you not to gather any sticks in the first year of a new rhubarb bed. In my experience crowns planted before Christmas, in well prepared soil, never suffer if a few sticks are taken in July or August of their first year. However, the first good crop will not come until the second or third year.
Growing Rhubarb

Once you have established your plants the first basic principle of rhubarb growing is that plants should be kept dry in winter and moist in summer. A covering of leaves applied in October and removed in February will help in winter and a mulch of compost, leaf mould or farm yard manure applied in April will keep moisture in the soil during the summer. Always make sure, however, that the soil is thoroughly moist before applying this summer mulch. If in doubt water well in dry seasons.

The second basic principle is to remember that rhubarb is essentially a leaf crop (no leaves, no stems) and that leaf crops need nitrogen. If you use farm yard manure for your summer mulch additional nitrogen will probably not be needed but a light dressing of nitrogenous fertiliser in March seldom goes amiss. Most of the rhubarb I see on the showbench, or on allotments, shows signs of chronic starvation

An established bed needs little attention beyond feeding and watering. The heavy foliage smothers most weeds. The only serious diseases are viruses which make the plant yellow and weakly - these are incurable and affected plants should be destroyed. Slugs can be a problem - they seldom make serious attacks on the rhubarb itself, but use the rhubarb bed as a hotel from which to decimate other crops. You must, however, remove flower spikes as they appear and clear away dead leaves throughout summer and autumn.

A well planted rhubarb bed will yield a satisfactory crop for ten or twelve years until the crowns get too many small buds. They should then be lifted, divided and replanted - leaving some crowns untouched to ensure continuity of supply.
Forcing Rhubarb

Rhubarb can be forced by lifting crowns in November and potting them up to be grown in the cellar or beneath the greenhouse staging. Or more simply by putting a bucket over the crowns in January. I find this too fiddly and rely on growing the cultivar Timperley Early' that gives me usable sticks in mid February without any need to force it.

Generally speaking rhubarb is best harvested for a period of four months from the time you take the first sticks. Three months if you have forced crowns.
Rhubarb Cultivars

Cultivars to grow include: 'Champagne' and Timperley Early' for early crops; 'Cawood Delight', 'Holstein Blood Red', The Sutton' and 'Victoria' for later harvesting.
the upper part of the roots of a perennial, Rhubarb Timperley Early is easy to grow while the huge leaves and bright red leaf stalks make this a spectacular addition to the herbaceous border or even large containers on the patio.
It is one of the best cultivars for early outdoors cropping, with thick, tasty stems and good flavour.
Planting in Autumn or Spring, this Rhubarb likes a rich soil, which includes plenty of compost or manure if it is available.
When planting, plant so that the crown is just level with the surface of the soil. Plant firmly, about 90cm apart, treading the soil around the roots. Water in freely if the soil is dry, and continue to do so until growth starts.
It is advisable not to take stems the first growing season to allow the plant to become established. When harvesting, twist stems away from the crown as they attain sufficient size, but never take too many from one plant, as this will weaken it. To maintain a healthy plant, cease harvesting at the end of July.

Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due almost 15 years ago:


a mulch of compost, leaf mould or farm yard manure applied in April will keep moisture in the soil during the summer. Always make sure, however, that the soil is thoroughly moist before applying this summer mulch. If in doubt water well in dry seasons.

Due over 14 years ago:


remove flower spikes as they appear and clear away dead leaves throughout summer and autumn.


A covering of leaves applied in October and removed in February will help in winter


dig in a good amount of well-rotted garden compost or manure every autumn.

Due about 14 years ago:


cease harvesting at the end of July.


A covering of leaves removed in February will help in winter

Due almost 14 years ago:


a mulch of compost, leaf mould or farm yard manure applied in April will keep moisture in the soil during the summer. Always make sure, however, that the soil is thoroughly moist before applying this summer mulch. If in doubt water well in dry seasons.

Due over 13 years ago:


remove flower spikes as they appear and clear away dead leaves throughout summer and autumn.


dig in a good amount of well-rotted garden compost or manure every autumn.


A covering of leaves applied in October and removed in February will help in winter

Due about 13 years ago:


Remove covering of leaves in February

Due almost 13 years ago:


a mulch of compost, leaf mould or farm yard manure applied in April will keep moisture in the soil during the summer. Always make sure, however, that the soil is thoroughly moist before applying this summer mulch. If in doubt water well in dry seasons.


remove flower spikes as they appear and clear away dead leaves throughout summer and autumn.


cease harvesting at the end of July.

Due over 12 years ago:


dig in a good amount of well-rotted garden compost or manure every autumn.

Due almost 12 years ago:


a mulch of compost, leaf mould or farm yard manure applied in April will keep moisture in the soil during the summer. See previous notes


remove flower spikes as they appear and clear away dead leaves throughout summer and autumn.


Harvest May - July/Aug

Due over 11 years ago:


dig in a good amount of well-rotted garden compost or manure every autumn.


A covering of leaves from Oct. to Feb. will help in winter

Due over 10 years ago:


best raised from divisions planted out in November, although it can be set out as late as March. See plant notes.