The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Checkerbloom 'Party Girl' [V]

Genus: Sidalcea.

Species: Sidalcea malviflora.

Planted 04.10 Vistabile front left path border
Bought Aut. 09 at Morrisons

Ideal For: Border, Cottage Garden, Cut Flower

Flowers: June, July

False Mallow/ Prairie Mallow.

A more compact variety of prairie mallow with stunning cerise pink flowers. This undemanding perennial will grow in all but the wettest of soils and makes a lovely upright accent in an informal cottage garden border. The tall stems also make a pretty cut flower.
Height: 90cm (36”)
Spread: 45cm (18”).
How to Grow
Sidalcea Party Girl

Plant bare roots at the earliest opportunity following delivery. Should soil conditions prevent planting directly into borders (if soil is frozen or waterlogged), they should be potted up, watered sparingly and grown on in a cool position for transplanting into borders at a later date.
Sidalcea plants are tolerant of most situations but dislike soils which have a tendency to waterlogging. Plant them in a moist, well drained soil, adding compost or well rotted manure to amend heavy clays.
Choose a position in full sun.
Feed and water plants regularly until they are fully established.
Cut back old stems and foliage in autumn.
Apply mulch of well rotted manure around the crown of each plant in spring.

[Source: www.vanmeuwen,com]

Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due over 14 years ago:


Cut back old stems and foliage in autumn.

Due almost 14 years ago:


Apply mulch of well rotted manure around the crown of each plant in spring.

Due over 13 years ago:


Cut back old stems and foliage in autumn.

Due over 12 years ago:


Cut back old stems and foliage in autumn.

Due almost 12 years ago:


Apply mulch of well rotted manure around the crown of each plant in spring.

Due over 11 years ago:


Cut back old stems and foliage in autumn.