The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Tommymoo's Garden

Tulip; Queen of the Night

Genus: Tulipa.

Species: Tulipa Queen of the Night.

20 Aug 2010 Diss market 7 bulbs for 1 pound, dark purple / deep maroon, almost black

Soil type: Well-drained/light
Height: 60cm
Spread: 15cm
Time to plant: November

Single late varieties flower in May, after the Triumph hybrids. They are still popularly known as Cottage tulips because of their versatility and long pedigree. They have been grown for many years to provide late colour after most other kinds have finished, and the group includes a number of old favourites for late bedding where bulbs do not have to be cleared promptly. 'Queen of the Night' is distinctive, with its deep maroon petals, almost black in some lights, making it quite the darkest of any tulip.

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