Helen60garden's Garden
Joined 21 Jul, 2010
Alocoloman don't panic
let them enjoy the warm sunny weather for the next few days. Then just keep an eye on the weather forecasts. If you have a greenhouse then they shouldn't take too long to get into there if frost forecast.
flag | 7 Oct, 2010
Joined 10 Sep, 2010
Stickitoffee thank you alocoloman, unfortunately i dont have a greenhouse, would you suggest bringing in the whole plant or do i take cuttings?
flag | 7 Oct, 2010
Joined 26 Jun, 2009
Amblealice I would suggest you bring your fuchsias into a frost free environment for the winter. Take off all the leaves and only water very sparingly. In the spring, increase watering, trim back stems slightly and take cuttings when the shoots are large enough.
flag | 7 Oct, 2010
Joined 10 Sep, 2010
Stickitoffee brilliant, thats very helpful. do they need much light at this point? would the garage be too dark?
flag | 7 Oct, 2010
Joined 12 Feb, 2009
east yorkshire
Seaburngirl once they have dropped their leaves they wont need light. reduce watering but dont let the compost dry out totally and they will be fine in the garage or shed.
flag | 7 Oct, 2010
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