Xela's Garden
Verbascum (Greek Mullien) [V]
Genus: Verbascum.
Species: Verbascum olympicum.
Planted 04.11 Vistabile garage border
Bought 04.11 Lewes Garden Centre @ £10 for 6 perennials (or £1.99 each)
* Common Name: Mullein
* Genus: Verbascum
* Species: olympicum
* Skill Level: beginner
* Exposure: full sun
* Hardiness: hardy
* Soil type: dry, sandy, well-drained/light
* Height: 2m
* Spread: 0.6m
Verbascum olympicum is a rosette-forming perennial with attractive grey woolly leaves. From early to late summer, tall candelabra-like spikes of yellow blooms are produced. It usually takes about two to three years for the plant to flower and when it does, the plant often dies afterwards. However, they do self-seed copiously and, if possible, leave seedlings where they appear naturally as they are very drought-tolerant.
[Source: www.gardenersworld.com/plant-detail/PL00006529/3647/mullein ]
Dead head regularly to prolong flowering.
Apply a balanced fertiliser every two weeks while in growth. [plant label]
Photos of this plant
Reminders for this plant
Due almost 14 years ago:
Apply a balanced fertiliser every two weeks while in growth.
Due over 13 years ago:
Dead head
Dead head regularly to prolong flowering.
Due almost 12 years ago:
Apply a balanced fertiliser every two weeks while in growth.
Due over 11 years ago:
Dead head
Dead head regularly to prolong flowering.