Xela's Garden
Bleeding Heart [V & S]
Genus: Dicentra.
Species: Dicentra spectabilis.
Planted '05 Vistabile utility border
Divided spring '08, planted Shenstone garage bed
Skill Level: Beginner
Exposure: Full sun, Partial shade
Hardiness: Hardy
Soil type: Well-drained/light, Clay/heavy, Acidic, Chalky/alkaline
Height: 60cm
Spread: 45cm
Time to divide plants: March to May
A Chinese plant with red heart-shaped flowers with white tips - these dangle enticingly from the arching flower stems of this delightful plant in late spring and early summer. Although it grows in light shade and looks good growing in clumps amongst shrubs, it often does even better in a sunny border, provided the soil stays sufficiently moist. Clumps of dicentra remain compact for many years and do not need dividing, fortunately, because they have brittle roots and do not like disturbance - instead, try taking root cuttings in spring. The Royal Horticultural Society has given it its prestigious Award of Garden Merit (AGM).
Photos of this plant
Reminders for this plant
Due almost 17 years ago:
A light fertilising in March will help enormously.
Take root cuttings in spring (march / april / may
The roots are brittle so do not divide clumps.
Take cuttings
Take root cuttings in spring (march / april / may)
The roots are brittle so do not divide clumps.
It's a good idea to enrich the soil with plenty of leaf mould before planting
Due over 16 years ago:
Apply a mulch in autumn too.
Due almost 16 years ago:
Take cuttings
Take root cuttings in spring (march / april / may)
The roots are brittle so do not divide clumps.
It's a good idea to enrich the soil with plenty of leaf mould before planting
A light fertilising in March will help enormously.
Take root cuttings March - May
Due almost 15 years ago:
A light fertilising in March will help enormously.
Take cuttings
The roots are brittle so do not divide clumps.
It's a good idea to enrich the soil with plenty of leaf mould before planting
Due over 14 years ago:
Apply a mulch in autumn.
Due almost 14 years ago:
A light fertilising in March will help enormously.
Take cuttings
The roots are brittle so do not divide clumps.
It's a good idea to enrich the soil with plenty of leaf mould before planting
Due over 13 years ago:
Apply a mulch in autumn
Due almost 13 years ago:
A light fertilising in March will help enormously.
Take cuttings
The roots are brittle so do not divide clumps.
It's a good idea to enrich the soil with plenty of leaf mould before planting
Due over 12 years ago:
Apply a mulch in autumn
Due almost 12 years ago:
A light fertilising in March will help enormously.
Take cuttings
Take root cuttings in Spring
Due over 11 years ago:
Apply a mulch in autumn