Xela's Garden
Clematis 'Elsa Spath' (V)
Genus: Clematis.
Species: Clematis 'Elsa Spath'.
Mothering Sunday gift from Sarah '08
(Morrisons £1.99)
Replaced 03.09
Bought 03.09 at Morrisons £1.79
Genus: Clematis
Cultivar: 'Elsa Spath'
Skill Level: Beginner
Exposure: Full sun, Partial shade
Hardiness: Hardy
Soil type: Well-drained/light, Clay/heavy, Chalky/alkaline, Dry
Height: 300cm
Spread: 90cm
Flowering period:
May to September
Raised in Berlin in 1891 'Elsa Spath' still holds its own among modern varieties. It is free-flowering, producing mid-blue blooms with deep red anthers over a long period from late spring to early autumn. To prune, remove any dead or weak stems in late winter or early spring and cut remaining stems back to the highest pair of strong-growing buds. To encourage blooms to cover the whole plant, train the stems so that they are evenly spaced on their support. As new growth appears in mid-spring, train this to fill any gaps.
Looks good with:
Clematis 'Etoile Violette'
Lonicera periclymenum 'Belgica'
[Source: www.bbc.co.uk/gardening/plants/plant_finder/plant_pages/6707.shtml ]
Photos of this plant
Reminders for this plant
Due almost 17 years ago:
Pruning consists of removing weak and crossing shoots then thinning down the plant to a structure of evenly spaced one and two year old stems.
See the diagram
Due over 16 years ago:
Lightly prune back flowered shoots after first flush .... to encourage second display.
Due almost 16 years ago:
Pruning consists of removing weak and crossing shoots then thinning down the plant to a structure of evenly spaced one and two year old stems.
See the diagram
Due over 15 years ago:
Lightly prune back flowered shoots after first flush .... to encourage second display.
Due almost 15 years ago:
Pruning consists of removing weak and crossing shoots then thinning down the plant to a structure of evenly spaced one and two year old stems.
See the diagram
Due almost 14 years ago:
Pruning consists of removing weak and crossing shoots then thinning down the plant to a structure of evenly spaced one and two year old stems.
Due over 13 years ago:
Lightly prune back flowered shoots after first flush .... to encourage second display.
Due almost 13 years ago:
Prune to remove weak and crossing shoots then thin down the plant to a structure of evenly spaced one and two year old stems.
Due over 12 years ago:
Lightly prune back flowered shoots after first flush .... to encourage second display.
Due about 12 years ago:
Prune to remove weak and crossing shoots then thin down the plant to a structure of evenly spaced one and two year old stems.
Due over 11 years ago:
Lightly prune back flowered shoots after first flush .... to encourage second display.