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Xela's Garden

Honeysuckle [SV]

Genus: Lonicera.

Species: Lonicera.

Planted ? Shenstone
'10 " garage side gate
'02 Vistabile patio fence

Lonicera (honeysuckle) are popular garden plants with highly perfumed flowers. There are climbing honeysuckles, which are wonderful draped over pergolas and supports, and evergreen shrubby types, which make good hedging plants.
There are two types of honeysuckle:

* Climbers prefer fertile, humus rich, moist but well-drained soil. Though they will flower best with the top growth in full sun, they are less prone to aphid attack in partial shade.
* Grow shrubby honeysuckles in any well-drained soil in full sun or partial shade.

Both types are very easy to grow. They like a mulch around the base of organic matter, such as garden compost or well-rotted manure, to reduce water stress. And top dressing in spring with general fertiliser such as Growmore or fish blood and bone will promote growth and flowering.
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Climbers and shrubs require different treatment to get the best results. The methods are explained below.

Honeysuckles flowering on the current season’s growth, such as Lonicera japonica (Japanese honeysuckle), do not require regular pruning. Simply control the growth by cutting back any overlong shoots in spring. Also thin out congested growth and remove weak or damaged stems.

Honeysuckles that flower early in the season, on short side shoots on the previous year's growth, such as Lonicera periclymenum (common honeysuckle), should be pruned back by about one-third in late summer immediately after flowering.

Renovate climbers by hard pruning to 60cm (2ft) from the ground in early spring. Thin out vigorous re-growth and tie in the new shots.

Prune deciduous shrubs, such as L. tatarica, after flowering in late spring or summer. Remove old and weak stems to stimulate new from the base. Shorten about one in three older branches, cutting to a new, upright shoot. Renovate by hard pruning to framework of older branches in late winter or early spring.

Trim evergreen shrubs, such as L. nitida and ‘Baggesen’s Gold’ used for hedging, three times between spring and autumn. Renovate by pruning to within 15cm (6in) of the ground in early spring.
You can propagate honeysuckles by taking softwood or semi-ripe cuttings 5-7.5cm (2-3in) long from late spring to summer. Evergreens also take well from hardwood cuttings, about 20-30cm (8-12in) long, from autumn to mid-winter.

Try layering in spring, particularly with climbers as the flexible young stems bend easily to the ground.

Sow fresh seeds in autumn and keep in a cold frame, or refrigerate the seed mixed with moist compost for four to 12 weeks, and then germinate at 13°C-18°C (55°F-64°F).
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Lonicera japonica 'Halliana' AGM: An evergreen or semi-evergreen, vigorous climber with dark green leaves and white fragrant flowers from spring to summer. Height: 10m (33ft).
L. henryi: This is an evergreen, vigorous honeysuckle with purplish-red flowers between early and mid-summer, followed by purple-black berries. Height: 10m (33ft).
L. periclymenum 'Graham Thomas' AGM: This deciduous and vigorous honeysuckle bears deliciously fragrant white to yellow flowers in mid and late summer. There are red berries in autumn. Height: 7m (23ft).
L. sempervirens AGM: Bears scarlet flowers in summer and orange-red berries in autumn. This honeysuckle is deciduous. Height: 6m (20ft).

L. nitida ‘Baggesen’s Gold’ AGM: An evergreen shrub with small bright yellow leaves. Good for hedging. Height 3.5m (11½ft). Spread 3m (10ft).
L. pileata: A spreading evergreen plant with small, creamy white flowers and violet-purple berries. Good for ground cover. Height: 60cm (2ft). Spread 2.4m (8ft).
L. fragrantissima: Offers fragrant flowers in late winter and early spring. Needs sheltered position to flower well. Height 2m (6½ft). Spread 3m (10ft).
L. × purpusii ‘Winter Beauty’ AGM: Has fragrant white flowers in late winter and early spring. Height 2m (6½ft). Spread 2.4m (8ft).
Honeysuckles are bothered by few pests or diseases.

Drought stressed plants are more prone to powdery mildew infection. To help prevent this, mulch around the base with organic matter to conserve moisture, especially if planted against walls and fences where it is naturally dry.

The new shoots are prone to aphid attack.
[Source: ]

Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due almost 17 years ago:


Prune back unwanted stems in spring to avoid a tangle of shoots, otherwise allow it to grow into a large tree or into a native hedgerow and it can be left un-pruned.

Due over 16 years ago:


Remove unwanted stems and some of the old stems.

Due almost 16 years ago:


Prune back unwanted stems in spring to avoid a tangle of shoots, otherwise allow it to grow into a large tree or into a native hedgerow and it can be left un-pruned.

Due over 15 years ago:


Remove unwanted stems and some of the old stems.

Due almost 15 years ago:


Prune back unwanted stems in spring to avoid a tangle of shoots, otherwise allow it to grow into a large tree or into a native hedgerow and it can be left un-pruned.

Due almost 14 years ago:


Prune back unwanted stems in spring to avoid a tangle of shoots, otherwise allow it to grow into a large tree or into a native hedgerow and it can be left un-pruned.


top dressing in spring with general fertiliser such as Growmore or fish blood and bone will promote growth and flowering.


mulch around the base with organic matter, such as garden compost or well-rotted manure, to reduce water stress.

Prune (to renovate)

Renovate climbers by hard pruning to 60cm (2ft) from the ground in early spring. Thin out vigorous re-growth and tie in the new shots.

Take cuttings

take softwood or semi-ripe cuttings 5-7.5cm (2-3in) long from late spring to summer.

Due over 13 years ago:


Honeysuckles that flower early in the season, on short side shoots on the previous year's growth should be pruned back by about one-third in late summer immediately after flowering.

Take cuttings

Evergreens take well from hardwood cuttings, about 20-30cm (8-12in) long, from autumn to mid-winter.

Due almost 13 years ago:


Prune back unwanted stems in spring to avoid a tangle of shoots, otherwise allow it to grow into a large tree or into a native hedgerow and it can be left un-pruned.
Renovate climbers by hard pruning to 60cm (2ft) from the ground in early spring. Thin out vigorous re-growth and tie in the new shoots.


mulch around the base with organic matter, such as garden compost or well-rotted manure, to reduce water stress.


top dressing in spring with general fertiliser such as Growmore or fish blood and bone will promote growth and flowering.

Take cuttings

take softwood or semi-ripe cuttings 5-7.5cm (2-3in) long from late spring to summer.

Due over 12 years ago:


Honeysuckles that flower early in the season, on short side shoots on the previous year's growth should be pruned back by about one-third in late summer immediately after flowering.

Take cuttings

Evergreens take well from hardwood cuttings, about 20-30cm (8-12in) long, from autumn to mid-winter.

Due almost 12 years ago:

Prune (to renovate)

... renovate climbers by hard pruning to 60cm (2ft) from the ground in early spring. Thin out vigorous re-growth and tie in the new shots.


Prune/renovate ... prune back unwanted stems in spring to avoid a tangle of shoots, otherwise allow it to grow into a large tree or into a native hedgerow and it can be left un-pruned.


top dressing in spring with general fertiliser such as Growmore or fish blood and bone will promote growth and flowering.


Mulch around the base with organic matter, such as garden compost or well-rotted manure, to reduce water stress.

Take cuttings

take softwood or semi-ripe cuttings 5-7.5cm (2-3in) long from late spring to summer.

Due over 11 years ago:


Prune ... honeysuckles that flower early in the season, on short side shoots on the previous year's growth should be pruned back by about one-third in late summer immediately after flowering.

Take cuttings

Evergreens take well from hardwood cuttings, about 20-30cm (8-12in) long, from autumn to mid-winter.