Xela's Garden
Dahlia [V]
Genus: Dahlia.
Species: Dahlia Pinnata.
Planted Apr '13 Wilko's Border Mix + Red Skin Mix
Bought Mar '13 @ Wilkinsons for £2.00 a bag of 3 tubers
Dahlias are invaluable for the summer border, in patio containers or as cut flowers, often flowering until the first frosts. With many excellent recent introductions, they offer a wide range of flower types, often with very showy, double forms in warm vibrant colours. Dahlias are enjoying a much deserved return to popularity.
Dahlias are easy to grow but do need winter protection in most parts of the UK. They are tolerant of a wide range of soil types and situations but best planted in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun when danger of frost is over, usually May to early June. Planting could be carried out slightly earlier in southern counties or later in the north of England and Scotland.
Incorporate plenty of organic matter (one or two buckets per sq m/sq yd) such as well-rotted manure into the soil prior to planting and use a general purpose fertilizer, according to the manufacturer’s instructions
Plant tubers in their flowering position. Tubers should be planted 10-15cm (4-6in) deep
Stake as required and pinch out shoots to promote bushiness (see pruning and training below)
Keep well watered and once flowers appear feed with a high potash liquid feed every two weeks from July to early September
Cut plants to the ground after the first frosts have blackened the foliage. In mild regions and on well-drained soils, leave the tubers in the ground and cover with a 7.5-15cm (3-6in) deep layer of bark chips or garden compost to protect them from frost. In colder areas or on heavy soils, lift and store the tubers (see below) and replant the following spring.
Lifting and storage:
Cut down foliage and use a fork to carefully prise plants out of the soil
Dry off naturally and then clean away any soil clinging to the tubers. Trim stems to 15-20cm (6-8in). If the tubers have been washed, position them upside down in a cool place for a few weeks to dry off
Trim off any fine roots
Place tubers in shallow wooden boxes or open trays and pack with a peat-free compost or dry sand, just covering the tubers but leaving the crown exposed
Store in a dry, cool, frost-free place. If stored in a garden shed cover with newspaper if a hard frost is predicted
Inspect tubers regularly during winter for rotting and discard any that are unhealthy
Pruning and training dahlias:
Insert canes on planting and tie in as growth develops
Pinch out growing tips once plants reach a height of about 40cm (16in) to encourage branching
For giant blooms restrict the number of flowering stems to three to five per plant; for smaller blooms allow seven to 10 flowering stems per plant
To produce a long-flowering display and strong stems, remove the two pairs of flower buds developing in the leaf axils below the terminal bud
Deadhead as flowers fade
Bedding dahlias need no staking or disbudding; just pinch out the growing tip to encourage bushiness and deadhead regularly
Start tubers into growth in early spring indoors. Divide the tubers when shoots are 2-3cm (about an inch) tall by separating them into portions ensuring each section has both roots and shoots. Pot each section into a separate container and grow on
Alternatively, take basal shoot cuttings from sprouted tubers; dip into hormone rooting powder and plant in a free draining compost. Using a propagator, maintain the temperature at 21°C (70°F) until rooted, usually in around two weeks. Pot on rooted cuttings in individual 9cm (3½in) containers and soilless compost
Bedding dahlias are easily grown from seed sown indoors. When seedlings are large enough, prick out into modules or small containers and liquid feed every two weeks
[Source: http://apps.rhs.org.uk/advicesearch/Profile.aspx?pid=592 ]
Photos of this plant
Reminders for this plant
Due almost 12 years ago:
Pot up
Start tubers into growth in early spring indoors.
Plant out
in fertile, well-drained soil in full sun when danger of frost is over, usually May to early June.
Due over 11 years ago:
once flowers appear feed with a high potash liquid feed every two weeks from July to early September
Cut plants to the ground after the first frosts have blackened the foliage. carefully prise plants out of the soil
Dry off naturally and then clean away any soil clinging to the tubers. Trim stems to 15-20cm (6-8in). Trim off any fine roots.
Place tubers in shallow wooden boxes or open trays and pack with a peat-free compost or dry sand, just covering the tubers but leaving the crown exposed
Store in a dry, cool, frost-free place.