Xela's Garden
Periwinkle [S+winter baskets]
Genus: Vinca.
Species: Vinca major.
Growing in Shenstone Lounge front bed
Common names: Greater periwinkle, Running myrtle
This is a good, vigorous ground cover plant which in time forms a dense, deep mound of green foliage. It is produces pretty lilac blue flowers in spring, though these may be partially concealed by the foliage. It spreads by sending out long trailing shoots, which colonise ground 30cm (1ft) or more from the parent, and sometimes in the middle of another plant. So it may be necessary to cut it back. This is a useful plant to cover dry banks and difficult areas where its good green leaves provide a backdrop for more showy plants. It grows to around 20cm (8in) high, though it can mound itself up over other small plants.
1 m
fully hardy
Average to Dry Average to Dry Sun to Shade Sun to Shade
[Source: www.plantpress.com/plant-encyclopedia]
Photos of this plant
Reminders for this plant
Due almost 17 years ago:
Old or neglected plants can be pruned back to the ground in spring and new fresh shoots will appear as a result.
Due almost 16 years ago:
Old or neglected plants can be pruned back to the ground in spring and new fresh shoots will appear as a result.
Due almost 15 years ago:
Old or neglected plants can be pruned back to the ground in spring and new fresh shoots will appear as a result.
Due over 14 years ago:
To propagate, divide plants from autumn to spring.
Due almost 14 years ago:
Old or neglected plants can be pruned back to the ground in spring and new fresh shoots will appear as a result.
Due over 13 years ago:
To propagate, divide plants from autumn to spring
Due almost 13 years ago:
Old or neglected plants can be pruned back to the ground in spring , new fresh shoots will appear.
Due over 12 years ago:
To propagate, divide plants from autumn to spring
Due almost 12 years ago:
Old or neglected plants can be pruned back to the ground in spring , new fresh shoots will appear.
Due over 11 years ago:
To propagate, divide plants from autumn to spring
Sept - May propagate by division