The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Chinese Peony [S]

Genus: Paeonia.

Species: Paeonia lactiflora.

well drained soil

full sun

Large, double, vivid crimson flowers with satiny, ruffled petals and deeply divided, rich green leaves.

Flowering early summer (June)

Height 2.5 - 3'

An old cottage garden favourite, this beautiful peony is perfect for a sunny mixed border, cottage garden or patio.

In the USA it was customary to decorate the graves of Civil War veterans with these splendid red blooms.

Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due almost 17 years ago:


In early spring apply a balanced slow-release fertiliser around the base of the plant and mulch with well-rotted compost or manure.

Prune & fungicide spray

Fungal diseases may occur in cool, wet springs so prune out any affected parts and spray the remaining sections with fungicide.

Due over 16 years ago:

Dead head

Deadhead after flowering.

Due almost 16 years ago:

Feed & mulch

In early spring apply a balanced slow-release fertiliser around the base of the plant and mulch with well-rotted compost or manure.

Treat fungal disease

Fungal diseases may occur in cool, wet springs so prune out any affected parts and spray the remaining sections with fungicide.

Due over 15 years ago:

Dead head

Deadhead after flowering.

Due almost 15 years ago:

Feed + mulch

In early spring apply a balanced slow-release fertiliser around the base of the plant and mulch with well-rotted compost or manure.


Fungal diseases may occur in cool, wet springs so prune out any affected parts and spray the remaining sections with fungicide.

Due almost 14 years ago:


In early spring apply a balanced slow-release fertiliser around the base of the plant and mulch with well-rotted compost or manure.

Prune & fungicide spray

Fungal diseases may occur in cool, wet springs so prune out any affected parts and spray the remaining sections with fungicide.

Due over 13 years ago:


Deadhead after flowering.

Due almost 13 years ago:

Feed & mulch

In early spring apply a balanced slow-release fertiliser around the base of the plant and mulch with well-rotted compost or manure.


Fungal diseases may occur in cool, wet springs so prune out any affected parts and spray the remaining sections with fungicide.

Due over 12 years ago:


Deadhead after flowering.

Due almost 12 years ago:


In early spring apply a balanced slow-release fertiliser around the base of the plant and mulch with well-rotted compost or manure.


Fungal diseases may occur in cool, wet springs so prune out any affected parts and spray the remaining sections with fungicide.

Due over 11 years ago:

Dead head

Deadhead after flowering.