The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Astilbe / False Goatsbeard [V+S]

Genus: Astilbe.

Species: Astilbe arendsii.

Planted 04.08 Vistabile pond border & untility border
04.08 Shenstone garage border
02.11 Blossom Cottage (division from S)

Bought Wilkinson £1.50 pck of 4

Hardiness: Hardy

# Postition: West , East , South
# Soil Type: Heavy Clay (remains damp) , Acid , Normal
# Soil PH: Neutral, Alkaline, Acid
Exposure: semi-shade

# Flowering Period: June - Aug
# Fragrant: No
# Ease of maintenance: Easy

# Leaf Colour: Green
# Poisonous: No
# Evergreen: No

Height: 60 cm

Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due over 16 years ago:


Cut back in Autumn and mulch / divide if congested.

Due about 16 years ago:


Divide in winter or early spring.

Due over 15 years ago:

Tidy, divide &, mulch

Cut back in Autumn and mulch / divide if congested.

Due about 15 years ago:


Divide in winter or early spring.

Due about 14 years ago:


Divide in winter or early spring.

Due over 13 years ago:

Tidy, mulch, divide

Cut back in Autumn and mulch / divide if congested.

Due about 13 years ago:


Divide in winter or early spring.

Due over 12 years ago:

Cut back, divide, mulch

Cut back in Autumn and mulch / divide if congested.

Due over 11 years ago:

Tidy, divide & mulch

Cut back in Autumn and mulch / divide if congested.

Due about 11 years ago:


In Winter or early Spring lift and divide large clumps every three or four years, discarding old, woody rhizomes