Xela's Garden
Sea Holly [V+S]
Genus: Eryngium.
Species: Eryngium planum.
Planted 04.08 : Shenstone rose bed
Vistabile garage bed
Bought Tesco - pck of 3 £ 2.50 (half of multiple buy 2 for £5 . [£2.99 each]
# Postition: West , South
# Soil Type: Acid , Light Sandy (dries out quickly) , Normal , Alkaline (Chalky)
# Soil PH: Neutral, Alkaline, Acid
Height: 60 cm
# Flowering Period: July - Sept
# Ease of maintenance: Easy
# Fragrant: No
# Leaf Colour: Green
# Poisonous: No
# Evergreen: No
Photos of this plant
Reminders for this plant
Due over 16 years ago:
Stake with twiggy pea-sticks well before the plant starts to flower.
Leave flowerheads
Avoid the temptation to cut back the flowerheads in autumn as they provide interest in the winter garden.
Due almost 16 years ago:
Lift and divide large colonies in spring.
Due over 15 years ago:
Stake with twiggy pea-sticks well before the plant starts to flower.
Leave flowerheads
Avoid the temptation to cut back the flowerheads in autumn as they provide interest in the winter garden.
Due almost 15 years ago:
Lift and divide large colonies in spring.
Due over 14 years ago:
Leave flowerheads
Avoid the temptation to cut back the flowerheads in autumn as they provide interest in the winter garden.
Due almost 14 years ago:
Lift and divide large colonies in spring.
Stake with twiggy pea-sticks well before the plant starts to flower.
Due over 13 years ago:
Avoid the temptation to cut back the flowerheads in autumn as they provide interest in the winter garden.
Due almost 13 years ago:
Lift and divide large colonies in spring.
Stake with twiggy pea-sticks well before the plant starts to flower.
Due over 12 years ago:
Leave flowerheads
Avoid the temptation to cut back the flowerheads in autumn as they provide interest in the winter garden.
Due almost 12 years ago:
Lift and divide large colonies in spring.
Due over 11 years ago:
Stake with twiggy pea-sticks well before the plant starts to flower.
Leave flower heads
Do not cut back the flowerheads in autumn, they provide interest in the winter garden.