The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Jasmine pink

Genus: Jasminum.

Species: Jasminum beesianum.

Planted Vistabile patio pot 04.08

This vine is native to Southwestern China.

Hardiness: fairly cold-hardy, as it will withstand negative temperatures down to about 10°F (-12°C

Soil type: any normal well drained soil
Exposure: full sun
PH: acid, alkaline, neutral

Flowers: May - July
Colour: pink or pink-red
Fragrance: not powerfully scented, but is fairly /slightly fragrant, though.

Evergreen evergreen to semi-decidious, depending on the climate.depending on the climate. In zones with colder winters, this vine will even be decidious.#

Fruits - The fruits are small non-edible and globose berries.

This jasmine can be propagated by seeds, cuttings or air layers.

# Goes well with: Buddleja davidii 'Nanho Purple', Euphorbia myrsinites, Nepeta x faasenii, Pennisetum orientale, Lavandula augustifolia 'Munstead', Stachys byzantina, Butterfly bush 'Dartmoor' (Buddleja davidii 'Dartmoor')

Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due over 16 years ago:


After flowering remove old and over-crowded shoots.

Due over 15 years ago:


After flowering remove old and over-crowded shoots.

Due over 13 years ago:


After flowering remove old and over-crowded shoots.

Due over 12 years ago:

Take cuttings

Hardwood cuttings mid Autumn - late Winter

Due over 11 years ago:


After flowering remove old and over-crowded shoots.

Due over 5 years ago:

Hardwood cuttings mid autumn - late winter

Due over 4 years ago:

After flowering remove old and over-crowded shoots.