Xela's Garden
Peacock orchid (Acidanthera) [S,V]
Genus: Acidanthera.
Species: Acidanthera murieliae.
Planted 04.07 Shenstone Diningrm border
04.07 Vistabile garage border
Acidanthera murielae plants originate from the high mountains of central Africa
Good cut flower with a wonderful perfume
(RHS Award of Garden Merit is awarded for ease of cultivation, excellence and constitution but not necessarily hardiness).
Hardiness: only moderately hardy
Plant Type: corm
Soil type: well drained soil
Exposure: sunny south-facing site
Flowers: Aug - Oct
Colour: White flowers with a deep burgundy eye. .
Height: to 30".
Planting instructions
Tender. Store dry and plant April - May, either in deep pots or in good soil in the sun, 3" apart and 5" deep. A 12" pot will need about 7-10 bulbs.
They are however easy to lift once the first frosts have browned the foliage and, kept dry, through the winter, survive many years.
Photos of this plant
Reminders for this plant
Due almost 17 years ago:
Store dry and plant April - May, either in deep pots or in good soil in the sun, 3" apart and 5" deep. A 12" pot will need about 7-10 bulbs.
Due over 16 years ago:
easy to lift once the first frosts have browned the foliage and, kept dry, through the winter, survive many years.
Due almost 16 years ago:
Plant April - May, either in deep pots or in good soil in the sun, 3" apart and 5" deep. A 12" pot will need about 7-10 bulbs.
Due over 15 years ago:
easy to lift once the first frosts have browned the foliage and, kept dry, through the winter, survive many years.
Due almost 15 years ago:
Plant April - May, either in deep pots or in good soil in the sun, 3" apart and 5" deep. A 12" pot will need about 7-10 bulbs.
Due almost 14 years ago:
Plant April - May, either in deep pots or in good soil in the sun, 3" apart and 5" deep. A 12" pot will need about 7-10 bulbs.
Due over 13 years ago:
lift once the first frosts have browned the foliage and, kept dry, through the winter
Due almost 13 years ago:
Plant April - May, either in deep pots or in good soil in the sun, 3" apart and 5" deep. A 12" pot will need about 7-10 bulbs.
Due over 12 years ago:
lift once the first frosts have browned the foliage and, kept dry, through the winter
Due almost 12 years ago:
Plant April - May, either in deep pots or in good soil in the sun, 3" apart and 5" deep. A 12" pot will need about 7-10 bulbs.
Due over 11 years ago:
lift once the first frosts have browned the foliage and, kept dry, through the winter