Bushbernie's Garden
Cassia fistula (Golden Shower Tree)
Genus: Cassia.
Species: Cassia fistula.
Common name: Golden Shower Tree
Botanic name: Cassia fistula
Family: Fabaceae / Caesalpiniaceae
Golden shower is a semi-deciduous tree up to 8m tall and of similar width. It has large compound leaves up to 450mm long with about 16 pairs of leaflets per leaf.
Sweetly perfumed flowers are pea-shaped and are arranged in large pendulous sprays. Flowers develop into brown seed pods which often exceed 30 cm long. The seeds are arranged horizontally in the pod, which when broken open and smelt gives off a strong smell of cascara, this is sometimes used as a laxative. Some old pods can be found hanging on the tree at most times of the year.
The pods, seeds and pulp between the seeds should not be eaten.