Xela's Garden
Glory of the Snow
Genus: Chionodoxa.
Species: Chionodoxa.
Planted 09.'07 Vistabile back lawn drive edge
Shenstone Front around escallonia
10.'12 Vistabile back lawn drive edge
Bought ? for £?
'12@ Wilkinsons bag of 20 for £1
Name: Chionodoxa forbesii
Common name: Glory of the snow
Family: Hyacinthaceae
Vital statistics
Height and spread: 10-20cm (4-8in) x 5-8cm (2-3in)
Form: Bulbous perennial
Soil: Gritty and well-drained
Aspect: Full sun
Hardiness: Fully hardy
This genus contains six species of small, bulbous perennials from Crete, West Turkey and Cyprus where they grow in forests and on mountains, and bloom in early summer as the last snows melt.
Racemes of star-shaped flowers appear above linear, mid-green, basal leaves. In milder climates, they bloom earlier than in their native habitats, in early spring.
This appealing plant can be grown in rock gardens, raised beds or troughs, or under shrubs or trees where they can spread. They self-seed freely.
The name is derived from the Greek words chion, meaning snow and doxa meaning glory.
Chionodoxa forbesii syn. C. luciliae of gardens
This bulbous perennial from West Turkey has attractive, star-shaped blue flowers, 1-2cm (0.5-0.75in) across, with white centres. The flowers appear in early spring in racemes of 4-12 flowerheads.
The mid-green, linear leaves are erect to spreading and 7-28cm (3-11in) long.
Plant bulbs 8cm (3in) deep in autumn in any well-drained, gritty soil in full sun.
Chionodoxa forbesii is generally free from pests and diseases.
Photos of this plant
Reminders for this plant
Due over 11 years ago:
Plant more to top up stock.