The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Fuchsia Trailing 'Blue Eyes'

Genus: Fuchsia.

Species: Fuchsia.

Planted 05.08

Bought Wilkinsons punnet of 4 ..... 3 punnets for £5 (or £1.99 per punnet)

Half-hardy Perennial

Ideal For: Border, Containers, Patio

Position: full sun

Flowers: July - Oct
Large double flowers, vivid pink tube & sepals and a bright blue corolla

Easy to grow, truly weather resistant and they will produce the most heavenly flowers all summer long until the frost arrives in late autumn.

Transplant plugs immediately into chosen container (pots or hanging baskets) using mlti-purpose compost (add gel in punnet to the compost to assist water retention.).Position them on warm windowsill to grow on. Place outside when all risk of frost has passed.
They will delight as part of a mixed arrangement or as a splendid show of their own.

Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due almost 12 years ago:


In early spring, cut back the previous year's flowering stums to two strong buds

Take cuttings

Mar - May take Semi-hardwood cuttings, Softwood cuttings