The Garden Community for Garden Lovers

Xela's Garden

Creeping Jenny

Genus: Lysimachia.

Species: Lysimachia nummularia.

Planted 05.08 hanging baskets Lysimachia Goldilocks

Bought Wilkinsons punnet of 4 £1.99 …. Buy one get one free

A vigorous trailing plant with prostrate stems of golden leaves with single bright yellow flowers. Dense growth means it can be used as part of a scheme or on its own.

Position: full sun

For best results transplant plugs immediately into chosen container using multi-purpose compost. Plugs will benefit from early transplanting.
Should transplanting be delayed open top of container and place in a light position avoiding direct sunlight.
Do not allow to dry out. Add the gel supplied in the punnet to the compost to assist water retention.

The plants will require a warm windowsill with good natural light for growing on.
Established plants can be placed outside when all risk of frost has passed.on

Plant type: Herbaceous Perennial
Habit: Mat forming
Resilience: Hardiness H4 (hardy)
Flower: Yellow in Summer
Foliage: Yellow in Autumn, Spring, Summer and Winter

Ultimate height: Up to 10 cm
Ultimate spread: 0.5-1 metres
Time to ultimate height: 2-5 years

Preferred common name: golden creeping Jenny
Family: Primulaceae

Lysimachia are herbaceous or evergreen perennials with simple leaves and star-shaped, cupped or bowl-shaped flowers in terminal racemes or panicles, or solitary in leaf axils
Very vigorous evergreen perennial forming a wide mat of creeping stems clothed in small, rounded or ovate, golden-yellow leaves. Solitary, short-stalked, cup-shaped bright yellow flowers 2cm in width

Award of Garden Merit

How to grow:
Full sun
Part shade

South-facing, East-facing or West-facing
Exposed or Sheltered

Grow in humus-rich soil, can tolerate moist and dry soils and full sun or partial shade. Useful as edging plant near bog gardens or in a container but it can be invasive

Moist but well-drained, Well-drained or Poorly-drained
Acid, Alkaline or Neutral
Sand, Loam, Chalk or Clay

Propagation: Propagate by stem cuttings in spring

Suggested planting locations and garden types:
Patio/Container Plants, Ground Cover or Wildlife Gardens

How to care:
Pruning: Trim back wandering stems
Pests: Generally pest free
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Photos of this plant

Reminders for this plant

Due about 12 years ago:

Take cuttings

Propagate by stem cuttings in spring